Every Other Weekend

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(requested by awesomesauce0502)

You and Leon have been divorced about a month ago but you have a beautiful daughter with him. So every other weekend you guys share her. Right now your daughter is at Leon's apartment and you were alone. You thought the the both of you just fell out of love and you pull out old wedding photos in tears since you thought wrong.

(D/N)'s POV

"Daddy why can't you stay with mommy? She's always sad and she says to her friends that she regrets what she said to you about feeling out of love." Leon looks at me like he's seen a ghost. "You mean it?" I nodded "You know I don't tell lies daddy. I want you and mommy back together. You drink all the time while mommy cries all the time looking at old photos of us three together. I can't see you guys like this anymore every other weekend." I felt tears falling.

Leon's POV

I teared up feeling my heart sank and I hugged my daughter as she's crying and I kissed her head "Shhhh baby girl let me call your mom and see if we can work this out again okay?" She nodded and holds me tightly as I get my cellphone and called (Y/N).

I teared up feeling my heart sank and I hugged my daughter as she's crying and I kissed her head "Shhhh baby girl let me call your mom and see if we can work this out again okay?" She nodded and holds me tightly as I get my cellphone and called (Y/N)

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(Y/N)'s POV

My phone rings and I wiped my tears "H-hello?" I tried not to break down knowing it's Leon calling me. "Hey (Y/N) so I guess our daughter is right about crying every night huh?" My eyes widen and I didn't say a word. "Hey we need to talk it's about our daughter's emotions."

I sighed "I'll be there in 10." I hang up and I drive to Leon's apartment. I go up and I knock on the door then I heard him say "Come in (Y/N)." I walked inside and I see (D/N) in tears and hugging her daddy. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" I sat down on the couch and petted her hair.

(D/N)'s POV

"Mommy can you go back with daddy? Please?" I see my mommy's eyes widen and looked at daddy. "She told me everything I needed to hear (Y/N)." He said and I looked down "Is this all true baby?" Mommy looked at daddy tearing up. "Yes Leon....I still love you and I can't let you go." He smiled and kisses mommy softly. "Ew daddy, mommy I'm in between here." We laughed and they kissed both of my cheeks. "So does this mean I can see you guys together every weekend?" I asked and they nodded hugging me smiling.

Leon's POV

"Looks like we'll have to remarry again (Y/N)." She smiled "Yeah but we can go to court to get married." I smiled and I held her wedding ring and slip it on her finger then she has mine and put it on my finger smiling.

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