When You Have to Move Away and Reunite With Leon After a Long Time

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(requested by SHEPARD2996 and lemon and a little abuse)

You're 16 years old and living with your aunt and uncle in Raccoon City. Your parents died in a car crash. You went to school and your boyfriend, 18 year old Leon Kennedy. "Hey baby girl." He smiled and lifted you up making you giggled. "Hey babe how's football practice?" He scoffed "Good but now better since you came along." You giggled and kissed him.

He pulled away "Hey baby can you meet at my car? I wanna take you somewhere." You nodded "Okay honey I'll go with." You both went into the car and he drives into a secret path that no one knows except you two. "Why are we he-" he kissed you and you both ended up in the back seat.

You both take off each other's clothes off and he puts a condom on his member and puts it in you. You two have been having sex for 6 months. You both were each other's first on having sex. Your aunt and uncle always tell you not to date but Leon is respectful to you and he wouldn't leave you. "Ahhhhh Leon!" "(N/N)!!" You both came at the same time "I wish we don't have to hide our relationship." You said sighing and Leon says "Me too."

You both got dressed and he drives you home "Thanks babe I'll see you tomorrow." You kissed him and left the car. "Where have you been (Y/N)? You didn't call us saying you were going to be home late!!" Your aunt shouted. "I'm sorry I was with my friends." You said "You mean your boyfriend Leon Kennedy? I read your diary and you missy are staying away from him. You're moving back to (C/N) whether you like it or not. Having sex with an 18 year old boy."

"At least we're using protection and he loves me no matter what!!" Your aunt slapped you in the face. "Get packing and don't you dare go see him." You cried and went upstairs packing up your stuff.

The next 5 months Leon's POV

I had made a missing person report on (Y/N). God I miss her she never told anyone where she went but I'll be waiting for her no matter what. I won't date any other girls. I still love her no matter what.

24 years later Raccoon City (Y/N)'s POV

I can't believe I moved back after 24 years I can't believe I'm 40 years old and I'm looking for Leon I wonder if he's still around. So I go the bar and order a drink then I see a handsome man behind me drinking away. "Hey you look new here." He said smiling "Nah after being kidnapped by my aunt and uncle. I went into hiding and now I'm back home." He looked at me closely with his blue gray eyes. "It can't be...(Y/N)?" "Uhhhhhh yes that's my name who are you?" I was confused "It's me baby girl, Leon."

My eyes widen and I hugged him close to me "Leon I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I cried into his chest "Shhhhh it's okay I've been waiting for you. I still love you." We both kissed each other and he takes me to a private room in the bar. We took off each other's clothes and this time no protection. He sticks his member in me and we moaned missing the feeling. "Ahhhhh Leon!!" "(N/N)!!" We both came and panted. "I love you (N/N) he said holding me close "I love you too Leon."

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