When Leon Saves You From Your Abusive Father

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(requested by SHEPARD2996 WARNING tons of hitting and kicking)

You cried and trying to get away from your drunk dad who kicked you hard and beating you up. "Daddy you're not in the war anymore please stop it!!" He stopped and looked at you finally sobered up and he cries "Oh baby girl I'm sorry I'm so sorry I promise I'll stop." You shakily nodded then get up and then you walk to Leon's house in pain.

Leon's POV

I saw my girlfriend in pain this is the 6th time this week she's limping and in tears. "Babe you okay?" She nodded but I can tell she's lying. "Babe what's going on? Every week your in pain and crying coming over to my place." She looks down "I'm fine Leon honestly..." I kissed her softly and I take her clothes off except her bra and panties. Then I started taking care of her old and new injuries. Little did you know your dad is back on the whiskey bottle again.

(Y/N)'s POV

I thanked Leon for everything as I put my clothes back on and then I go back home not knowing that Leon followed me. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I jumped and he slapped me hard on the face "Hey leave her alone!!" I saw Leon holding up a gun and he's holding his badge "You're under arrest Mr. (L/N) for abusing my girlfriend."

Leon's POV

He looked at her "YOU'RE DATING A COP SLUT?!" She shakes and quickly gets up going outside. I feel bad that I didn't know right away. I saw pictures of him during the war and alcohol on the table. I knew he has PTSD but harming his own daughter is a crime.

I go to her dad arresting him and take him to the back of my backup's cop car I called earlier and I gently lift up my girlfriend kissing her head. "Is this why you won't tell me?" She nods in tears. "I'm sorry for lying. I didn't want my dad to suffer. He lost everything after the war and when mom died he gotten worse. I couldn't take the pain anymore Leon." She said and hold her close petting her hair. "Shhhhh it's all over baby girl I love you." She sniffed then snuggled me "I love you too Leon." I kissed her softly and then I take her back to my place.

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