When Leon and You Fight Mr. X

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(requested by TeamAlucard21)

(Y/N)'s POV

"Officer Leon Kennedy please pay attention to the road!" I yelled at my best friend laughing "Or what Ms. (L/N)?" I smirked "Or I'll take your driver's license away." He gasped "You cannot do that!" I laughed "I can and I will Officer Kennedy." I kissed his cheek smiling "After all I'm a police officer too." 

Leon's POV

I blushed and smiled realizing that I care so much about my best friend. I really do love her so much. "Okay let's go to the station and see what's going on." She nodded smiling "Okay Leon." I smiled driving to the station. 

Time Skip (Y/N)'s POV

There's zombies everywhere and we're confused and scared. We finally made it to the station. "Leon I don't want to die..." He looked at me and hugged me tightly "We'll make it alive." Then we saw a giant monster in a hat and a trench coat. "Jesus Christ! (Y/N) run away!" I nodded and ran away but then the giant guy choked me hard "L-Leon!!" I gasped and gripping his hand. Then I saw Leon and then I saw black.

Leon's POV

I shot the guy and he immediately let go of her falling and I grabbed her softly then I can't feel a pulse "Come on (Y/N) stay with me I love you!!" I done mouth to mouth CPR on her and then she woke up breathing then I kissed her immediately. "Did you just kiss me Leon?" I laughed and nodded "I love you (Y/N)." She smiled "I love you too Leon." I kissed her softly and she kisses back.

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