When Leon is With Ada and Not You

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You were on the verge of tears seeing on Facebook that Leon and Ada are in a relationship. You and Leon have been friends for the longest time. Everyone knew you were in love with Leon and he was oblivious on the small things you do. Like you holding his hand and blushing in front of him. You got a text message from Claire.

 You got a text message from Claire

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You sighed and texted back

(Y/N)- Thanks Claire but I'm okay really just some stupid crush I have.

You shut your phone down and continued looking at their photos.

Then Chris texted you Claire must've said something to him because he sent this

Then Chris texted you Claire must've said something to him because he sent this

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You opened your phone up and texted him back.

(Y/N)- I'm fine Chris I'm not pretending at all.

You hated lying to your friends and the tears were falling. You got up and turned your computer off then Leon texted you geez people spread the word.

Leon's POV

I was with Ada to the movies it was good but then Claire and Chris messaged me to talk to (Y/N).

Chris- Leon talk to (Y/N) she's not herself. She's hurting from a broken heart.

Claire: Leon (Y/N) has a broken heart she needs someone there.

My heart went crazy who on the right mind hurt my best friend's heart? I was upset so I texted her.

Leon- (Y/N) are you okay?

(Y/N)- What the fuck does that even matter to you if I'm okay or not?

Ouch that hurt my heart so I texted her back.

Leon- Who broke your heart (Y/N)? I swear I'll beat them to the pulp just say the name and I'll find him. I do care about you.

Then it happened she texted back with a name and my heart broke in pieces.

(Y/N)- His name is Leon Scott Kennedy. He doesn't care about my feelings that I have for him. I'm in love with him. Always have and always will. I even showed him the signs like getting him coffee or putting sticky notes telling him to have a good day and many more notes. But he's with a girl named Ada Wong. I've always been there for him and he just pushes me away...So just leave me alone so I don't need to feel this pain. Just forget about me and don't talk to me!!

Still Leon's POV

I teared up and I realized that I'm not in love with Ada it's been (Y/N) all this time. I ran towards her apartment and I knocked on the door. "(Y/N) it's me open up please? We need to talk this out."

(Y/N)'s POV

"Go away Leon I don't want to talk!!" I said as I cried laying on the couch. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash. I stood seeing Leon panting and in tears? "L-Leon you owe me a new door now." I said in anger. "Screw the door. (Y/N) I'm so sorry I should've read the signs that you loved me. I finally realized that I love you too all along not Ada." I was shocked and I ran up to him hugging him tightly.

Leon's POV

I hugged her back and kissed her softly all of a sudden I heard a cough. We pulled away and saw Ada. "Hey Ada I'm sorry but this isn't working out." Ada smiles "I understand we were so distant anyways I'm happy you found the one you've been looking for." She leaves and I smiled at my (Y/N) "I promise I wouldn't dare hurt you anymore." She nodded smiling and kisses me again "You still owe me a door." She said as we pulled away "Damn" I said chuckling.

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