When You're Reunited with Your Bestfriend Leon

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(This has been requested by SHEPARD2996 thank you for this idea I hope you like it will also add a little lemon and some parts of the new RE 2 remake video game SPOILERS ALERT)

You and Leon are childhood friends since the both of you are 10 years old. Sadly things have to come to an end when your parents said that you're moving away from Raccoon City and go to (C/N) because your father got a different job.

You sadly walked to Leon's house ringing the door bell. Leon's mother opens it "Hello (Y/N) is something wrong? Why are you sad?" You cried and hugged her "I'm moving tonight and I just wanted to say goodbye before we leave." Leon walked downstairs and saw you crying in his mom's arms. "(Y/N) did someone hurt you? I'll beat them up if I have to." You shake your head "I'm moving Leon tonight I'll be in (C/N) because my dad has a better job there I'm sorry." You cried and Leon hugs you tightly in tears.

Leon's POV

I didn't want my only best friend leaving me I really do love her. I cried and I take off my necklace I wear all the time and put it on her.

"Remember this necklace is just as important as you are to me

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"Remember this necklace is just as important as you are to me. Promise me you'll be back and never take it off." She nods "I promise Leon." I kiss her lips softly while she's blushing pink and then just like that she's gone.

11 Years Later No One's POV

Leon is a rookie police officer for Raccoon City he just started and then the outbreak made things worse for him. He met Claire she was searching for her brother since he's a cop too. Then they spilt and he was alone killing monsters. Until a dog jumped on him and he couldn't get reach his gun then he heard a gun fired killing the dog instantly.

He looked at the shooter but it was too dark to see. "Don't move until I say so." Then she comes forward and a beautiful girl with (H/C) moved into the light with a trench coat and sunglasses on. "Hey thank you miss I gotta tell you that was a pretty nice shot." She nods and scoffs "No problem just get out of here." I laughed nervously "Uhhhhhh yeah about that I need the parking garage ticket." She shakes her head "Then go look for it and then get out of here"

(Y/N)'s POV

I moved back here just a week ago but then everyone is dying and becoming monsters. I saved an officer he looks so familiar almost like my best friend Leon but I doubt it "My name is Leon Scott Kennedy. What's yours?" Oh crap! He's alive?! How?! Should I tell him? No I'm gonna keep walking away. "Hey wait I told you my name that's not fair if you don't tell me yours." I sighed "It's only the best if you don't know mine. Goodbye Leon." I left almost wanted to cry and I take off the coat and sunglasses just wearing the necklace he gave me and (F/C) dress with high heels.

Leon's POV

That girl she reminds me of (Y/N) with that (H/C) hair but I doubt it's her. I look around to find missing pieces to the cell door panel to get that garage ticket. When I do find them and fixed it I grabbed the ticket and ran to the garage door but this big monster guy grabs my neck and started choking me. I was passing out as I was fighting then the girl shot him and then ran him over...but she had her coat and glasses off just a simple (F/C) dress. Then it me "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)?" I heard him say my name and I smirked "That's twice I saved your ass Kennedy." I said walking away then I heard running steps "When did you get here?" I stopped and turned around "A week ago I moved back just to find survivors but the only survivor I found was you." Leon grabbed my arm and looks at my neck. "You still have it?" I scoffed "I promised you didn't I but you can have it back."

Leon's POV

I shake my head "No keep it. I gave it to you for a reason." She smiles and nods while we ended up inside a gun shop. (No one is in there just pretend) I take what's left and she grabs more ammo for her gun I also locked the doors just in case. "So how is your mom Leon?" I gulped "The monsters killed her so I'm all alone." She looks up at me "Oh Leon I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked." I shake my head "What about your parents?" She looks down "They created this mess with the Birkin family. That's why I moved back to stop them but I was too late." She looked down "I moved away for nothing when I could've stayed with the person I loved the most!!" She yelled angrily and I wiped the table off and pinned her on the table kissing her hard. I'm so happy I got her back after 11 years.

(Y/N)'s POV

I kissed him back moaning and I ended up taking his uniform belt and pants off along with his boxers and he took my panties off. He goes in me and I moaned loudly in tears since I'm a virgin but I don't care he goes faster in me "L-Leon!!" I yelled as I came and he came in me "Ahhhh (Y/N)!!"

Leon's POV

I can't believe I made love to my best friend but it was amazing since we were virgins. I fixed myself up and so does (Y/N) "Hey (Y/N)? I love you too will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled "Yes I'd love to be your girlfriend." I kissed her softly and we continued to fight together.

After that I was shot in the shoulder (Y/N) patched me up. We stopped the Birkin family but a girl named Ada escapes with the G-virus sample. We finally escaped with Claire and a little girl named Sherry Birkin. I stayed with (Y/N)'s side till the Umbrella is done for good. Which we all know it's gonna be a long time.

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