What You Do for Leon's Birthday

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Since its 2019 Leon is turning 42 and you were surprised he doesn't age much. He is still hotter and more gorgeous. Maybe that's why you married him.

You wake up and kissed your husband on the head then you started going to the kitchen making you both breakfast and his favorite cake for him.

Leon's POV

Geez it's 6 in the morning why would she be up this early? I yawned slowly waking up. I don't have any missions to do not till tomorrow I don't know why but Hannigan told me to stay home. Must be a special day for me and (Y/N) but it's not on our wedding anniversary. I checked my phone and saw the date.....Oh shit I'm 42 years old. Oh well time to get up and see what my wifey is doing.

(Y/N)'s POV

I hummed the Happy Birthday Song to myself as I'm designing the cake and I see Leon standing there. "Good morning old man." I giggled as he pouted "Hey I'm not that old geez when I turn 50 then you can call me an old man and I love what you did to the cake." He said smirking getting himself a cup of coffee.

I smiled "Thank you

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I smiled "Thank you. Oh Chris, Claire, and Helena are coming over here to make a party for you." I heared Leon groan "I wanted my birthday party to just be you and me though since we've been married for 4 years. Besides I leave for a mission tomorrow." I frowned "I know that's why they're showing up here and wear something formal we're gonna go out." Little do they know you have a surprise for them...

Time Skip

Chris, Claire, and Helena showed up and I just got finished getting ready with my hair up in a bun and in a blue short dress with sparkly sliver high heels.

While Leon was staring at me and smirked

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While Leon was staring at me and smirked. "You still look beautiful as always." I blushed at Leon's comment. "Thank you Leon." I turned around and see his outfit. "Well look at you." I smiled and fixed his tie. "What do I look bad?" He asked and I shook my head. "You look super sexy." He smiled and kisses me.

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