When Leon Saves You From Your Abusive Mother

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(requested by SHEPARD2996 and WARNING for hitting, cutting, drug abuse, and attempted suicide) 

You covered your wrists with bandages in tears and then your mom comes in "You have school don't be late bitch!!" She yells and slaps you hard making a bruise on your face. "Oh and you're not eating lunch!! Go starve bitch!!" You cried and left to go to school as she's taking more and more drugs.

Leon's POV

My best friend has a big bruise on her beautiful face and she tries hiding her wrists. I know she's back being a cutter and she promised me she wouldn't do this anymore. I know her mom is a drug addict and abuses her big time.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Are you okay (N/N)? I know you're cutting again..." I looked away "Leon I can't do this anymore....my mom..." I cried and people look at me with sympathy including my teachers since they knew she's doing this but they can't interfere because my mom attacked the principal and I get up running away from the classroom hearing "(N/N) wait!!" from behind. I go to the park crying hard and then I go to a place to hide.

I sliced my wrists more and more making me past out. Then I see Leon's face yelling and looking at me worried. I barely hear any words and everything went black.

Leon's POV

I took her to the hospital they fixed her wrists up and I donated my blood to her since we have the same blood type cause she lost a lot then I sat and waited for her to wake up. "Please don't leave me baby. I never got to ask you to prom or to be my girlfriend." I said to my best friend as I cried so hard. I'm glad her mom is in jail because I told the police what was going on.

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly wake up and I see a blood bag then I look at Leon sleeping holding my hand. "Leon?" He wakes up immediately "Oh thank God (N/N)! I thought you died." I smiled softly "I'm okay now..." I thought about my mom. "I should going home then huh?" He shakes his head "No your mom is in jail. You're living with me. Chris and Claire helped move your stuff into my place." I was shocked and I smiled "Why?" Leon laughed "I love you (N/N) I want you to be my prom date and girlfriend." I smiled and nodded "I'll go with you and I'll be your girlfriend." He kissed me and I kissed him back.

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