When Leon and You Play Truth or Dare

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

You, Claire, Leon, and Chris were drinking having a blast "You know what I was thinking guys? Playing Truth or Dare." Chris said laughing and you all agreed.

Claire started "Leon truth or dare?" Leon gulped "Uhhh truth?" Claire laughed. "Is it true that you are afraid to get a new hairstyle?" Leon nodded. "Yeah because I like my hair this way." You all giggled. "Okay your turn to pick one of us."

Leon's POV

I gulped and I smirked at Chris. "Chris Truth or Dare?" Chris laughs "Dare." I smiled "I dare you to drink a whole bottle of hot sauce without any thing to drink like milk or water." You and Claire cringe and gagged. Chris smiled "Alright I'll go get it."

He grabbed it and drank it then he spits it out. "Ahhhhh it burns!!" You all laugh. "Alright (Y/N) truth or dare?" Chris asks drinking a gallon of milk.

(Y/N)'s POV

"I'll pick dare." I said smiling and Chris smirked. Uh oh. "I dare you to tell your deepest secret that no one knows." I gulped and I get nervous. "Uhhhhhh well I love Leon if that's what you're getting at." Claire laughs. "Chris pay up $100 I called it!!" I blushed and Leon looks at me shocked then I looked away. "Claire truth or dare." She smiled "Truth." I smiled. "Is it true that you have a crush on someone?" She glares at me and smiles. "Nope." Heh what a liar she kept talking about him at work but she won't tell me his name.

Time Skip (Y/N)'s POV

Leon takes me home after our little party. "Did you mean on what you said about loving me?" I shyly nodded. "Yes Leon I would never lie about that." He leans down and kisses me passionately. I kissed him back he pulls away smiling. "Good cause I love you too baby." I smiled at him.

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