When You Are Barry's Daughter and Leon and Moira Didn't Know

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(requested by SHEPARD2996 and I know Moira has a little sister named Polly Burton but I'm changing it to Polly isn't even born yet)

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey dad I just wanted to know when I'm able to visit my sister?" I asked on the phone talking to my dad Barry. "Honey it's gonna take sometime you two are only half sisters same dad but different mothers." I saw Leon looking at me "Hey dad I have to go I love you and take care okay?" He chuckles "How about you bring Leon tonight and then I'll have Moira here too." I smiled "Sounds good to me dad I love you." I heard him chuckle "I love you too bye sweetheart." I hung up and I hugged Leon "We're going somewhere special tonight baby."

Leon's POV

"Where?" I asked "To my dad's house you finally get to meet him and my half sister." I smiled "I didn't know you have a sister." She nodded "Yeah but she doesn't know that I'm her sister." I look at her confused "You mean you guys never met?" She shakes her head "Nope this is everyone's first time meeting." I chuckled "Well I can't wait to meet them." She smiled "Me too."

Time Skip (Y/N)'s POV

I'm scared of meeting my sister and also Leon's driving at night time. "Leon what if she doesn't like me?" He smiled "She will baby girl you are her sister no matter what." I felt better but Leon doesn't know that Barry is my dad and Moira is my sister. "What's your dad's name?" I gulped "Barry Burton..." He swerved and looked at me "Geez Leon you trying to kill us?!"

Leon's POV

"Wait your (Y/N) Burton?" She shakes her head "No I have my mom's last name (L/N) but my dad is Barry. They never were married and dad left me and her after a fight." I was shocked "So Moira is your half sister?" She nodded "Yep first time meeting her." I nodded "I can't believe I'm dating Barry's daughter." She smiles "Yeah and I'm having another little sister Moira's mom is pregnant again."

(Y/N)'s POV

Once when we arrived Moira's mother Kathy comes out and hugs me "Oh (Y/N) it's so good to see you at last." I smiled "It's so good to see you too Kathy congratulations on the pregnancy dad has told me the baby's a girl." She nods "Yep Polly Burton I'm naming her and please call me mom." I smiled "Oh this is my boyfriend Leon Kennedy." She smiles and hugs him "It's so nice to meet you Leon." He smiled as he hugs her back "Nice to meet you too Kathy." She smiles "Well come on in and meet Moira."

I nodded and went inside "Moira come downstairs there's someone who's been wanting to meet you!" Then my dad came in and hugged me tightly "There's my oldest first child." I smiled "Hi dad I guess you can finally meet my boyfriend Leon Kennedy." He smiled "Leon Kennedy I'm so glad you're treating my daughter like a princess." He smiled "I love her so much."

Then I see Moira coming downstairs "Hey Moira I want you to meet my oldest daughter (Y/N) she's your half sister." I heard my dad say and she looks excited "Hey Moira nice to finally meet you." I said to her and she hugged me tightly unexpectedly so I hugged her close "Nice to meet you too (Y/N)." I teared up "This is my boyfriend Leon Kennedy."

Leon's POV

I smiled and Moira hugged me "Nice to meet you too Leon. My best friend Claire said so much about you. I'm glad you're dating my sister." I smiled "She's everything to me I'm glad I met her." We all laughed and we sat down to eat then it was time for us to go.

(Y/N)'s POV

I hugged my sister "I love you if you need anything call me okay?" She nodded "I love you too sis and I will for sure." I smiled and I hugged mom and dad "I love you both so much please let me know when Polly's coming so I can finally meet her too." They smiled "Of course we will sweetie. We both love you." I smiled "I love you guys too take care." We said goodbye and left "That was fun." Leon said and I smiled "Yeah it was babe. I'm glad you loved them too." He smiled "They're going to be my family in law so I gotta get used to it." I laughed then we went home.

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