When You Are In A Zombie Apocalypse Pregnant

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

You were scared watching your boyfriend get eaten by the monsters and he screamed at you to run so you did so in tears. You're 5 months pregnant but you don't know the gender of the baby because of the break out.

(Y/N)'s POV

I cried and holding my stomach gently as I'm running away then a monster grabbed me "Someone please help!!" I yelled and then a gun shot was heard. The monster fell on the ground dead and I'm shaking in tears "Are you alright miss?" A man came towards me and he's so handsome. "Y-yeah I'm fine thank you for saving me." He goes closer "The baby okay?" I look down and I rubbed my tummy feeling the baby kicking "Yeah the baby is okay." He nods "Where's the father?" I looked down tearing up "Dead...all he told me was to run...."

Leon's POV

Poor girl she's alone and pregnant "Follow me I know a safe spot." She nods and follows me. Good thing she trusts me. "So what's your name?" I asked her "(Y/N) (L/N)." She answered "I'm Leon Scott Kennedy. So how far along are you?" "5 months we were just finding out the baby gender but we never got the chance because of the break out at the hospital." I nodded and we arrived "Okay this is our safe spot no monsters go up here."

(Y/N)'s POV

I climbed on the stairs slowly but then Leon lifts me up "It's okay I got you (Y/N)." He said and I snuggled him feeling a little better "Thank you." He smiled and I fell asleep in his arms missing my boyfriend so much.

Leon's POV

I laid her on the bed and I lay down beside her gently rubbing her tummy the poor baby is going to be born in this shitty world then I felt the baby kicked. I smiled as I rubbed the tummy the more the kicking never stops realizing that the baby is ticklish. I want the baby to be safe and sound also I'm falling for the mother.

The Next Morning (Y/N)'s POV

I wake up stretching rubbing my little one who's kicking "Good morning my baby." I giggled as the kicking kept going "Alright let's go get food and maybe find somewhere else to stay." I saw Leon smiling at the door "I don't mind if you stay here (Y/N). I want to help you as much as I can also I brought clothes from abandoned malls for you that seems fitting for the baby belly that outfit you're wearing looks way to tight." He hands me the bags and I smiled "Thank you so much Leon." I went to the bathroom and got dressed there's a lot of clothes but I decided to wear comfy clothes.

Leon's POV

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Leon's POV

When she walked out she looked so comfortable. "That looks so much better on you." She smiles "Yeah it's very comfortable thank you again." I smiled and take her hand "You're welcome." She blushes then kisses me slightly I kissed her back softly then she pulls away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." I shake my head "It's okay (Y/N) I want to be with you and the baby. I really love you."

I kissed her again and touched her stomach feeling the baby and she moaned slightly pulled away "I love you too Leon." I smiled and hugged her "I love you more."

4 Months Later No One's POV

You gave birth to a baby girl and she looks like you a lot. Leon helped you out with the birth of your baby and you named her (D/N) Kennedy. "I love you so much Leon thank you so much for saving me." He smiled "I'm glad I did cause I never been this happy." he kissed you and then kisses (D/N)'s head.

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