When You Have Multiple Personality Part 1 of 3

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(requested by Amera_dark and you guys are normal plus LEMON)

You woke up and you were feeling great you turned around and see Leon "Hey baby how you feeling?" You smiled "I'm feeling great honey what's the mission?" He smiles "There's no missions just you and I relaxing." You smiled and nodded "What's for breakfast?" You asked him and he smiled "Pancakes, eggs, and bacon."

Leon's POV

She seemed normal so I let her off the hook she has a multiple personality disorder where she can be normal calling me Leon, babe, and honey, then she can be childish to where she calls me daddy all the time not that I'm complaining it's cute, and there's one I can't talk about but anything crosses her path she will kill and destroy I usually try to get away from her in that stage.

(Y/N)'s POV

I get up and I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast it smells so good so I grabbed a plate and I eat. "This is so good Leon thank you." He smiled "You're welcome honey." He eats too "I thought you don't eat breakfast?" I said to him "I changed my mind I wanted to eat with you." I nodded and put my dishes away. "Hey Leon I don't know about you but can we go swimming?" He smiled and nodded "Of course babe we can." I smiled and I ran to get my cute swim suit

" I smiled and I ran to get my cute swim suit

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Then Leon got his blue swim trunks on.

Then Leon got his blue swim trunks on

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Leon's POV

We walked to the pool in the dark and the lighting is so beautiful like the northern lights.

We go in swimming and she kisses me softly turning me on and I groaned feeling her take my shorts off and I move the bottom of the swimsuit to the side and I slid my member inside of her

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We go in swimming and she kisses me softly turning me on and I groaned feeling her take my shorts off and I move the bottom of the swimsuit to the side and I slid my member inside of her. "Hmmmm Leon." I moved inside of her and then pounded hard making me cum inside of her and we pant as she came all over me. "Hmmm Leon I love you so much." I smiled "I love you too baby." We get out of the pool, shower in the bathroom, and changed into PJs going to bed.

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