When Your Diclonius Powers Act Up

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(requested by Amera_dark and I'm sorry but I'm going to use Chris x Ada I DON'T SHIP THEM AT ALL sorry Jill x Chris fans I love you!!)

You and Leon have been friends for a long time but he sadly didn't fell in love with you instead he fell in love with Ada. Your heart is in pieces he even asked you how he should propose to her.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Well Leon you tell her how you truly feel then get down on one knee and pop the question." Leon smiled "Thanks (Y/N) I appreciate that you're helping me." I fake smiled "That's what friends are for..." I looked down gulping trying not to cry. "Hey what's wrong?" I looked at him wiping my tears "Oh it's nothing just happy for you finding the one..." I get up and left in tears then Leon grabbed my arm softly.

Leon's POV

I'm so confused on why she's acting like this I don't know what to do. "Please tell me what's wrong (Y/N)." I begged and she shoves me away "I'm sorry but good luck with the engagement." She leaves and I gulped wondering if I'm making a mistake because I have some feelings for (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

I cried and screamed my invisible arms destroyed my whole room. I can't control it anymore and then I felt emotionless I don't show my feelings anymore. I went to the cafe and then looking in the windows seeing Leon and Ada. He's holding her hand putting the ring on her finger.

I scoffed and walked away shutting my heart down

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I scoffed and walked away shutting my heart down.

A few weeks later Leon's POV

I didn't feel happy anymore like I used to with Ada instead I feel broken because I didn't realize how much I cared about (Y/N). Then I saw my brother Chris glaring at me and Ada. What the hell is going on? Why does he look upset and why is (Y/N) upset too?

Few Days Later (Y/N)'s POV

I went to see Chris since he's the one I truly rely on to talk about my feelings. Then I heard Ada's laughter? I peeked into Chris's bedroom window outside then my eyes widen seeing Chris and Ada getting super close.

Then they kissed and I quickly left the house area and I Immediately go to Leon's house knocking on it softly

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Then they kissed and I quickly left the house area and I Immediately go to Leon's house knocking on it softly. He answers it and looks at me shocked "Leon Ada is screwing around with Chris. I saw them in Chris's bedroom window." He stared at me then laughs.

Leon's POV

Ada cheating on me with my best friend/brother? I laughed at her "Yeah right (Y/N) I don't believe you at all. Ada loves me and we're getting married next week after our mission." She frowns "You don't believe me? I swear you're such an idiot. We've been friends forever and you don't believe me?" I shake my head "You walked out on me as I was figuring out what's wrong with you." She scoffs "You want to know? Fine I love you Leon Scott Kennedy I wish you would never marry her! It's obvious that I'm wasting your time since you don't love me back!" She walks away as my eyes widen.

Timeskip The Mission Leon's POV

I was shooting up the zombies with my fiancè and my brother Chris. I miss (Y/N) I really do. I've known her since she told me her secret powers. She killed a lot of monsters and zombies with her invisible arms. Then Chris and Ada disappeared I looked for them. Then I went to a safe room and I saw Chris kissing Ada's neck. Ada's not stopping him and she's moaning.

"What the hell?!" I yelled and Chris jumps away "Hey bro what's up? I was saving Ada

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"What the hell?!" I yelled and Chris jumps away "Hey bro what's up? I was saving Ada." I shake my head "The engagement is off! I should've believed (Y/N)!" I stormed out in tears and I rode my motorcycle to (Y/N)'s house. I hope it's not too late because when (Y/N) is upset her powers act up.

(Y/N)'s POV

I cried and I destroyed my whole entire house. I can't control my powers so I locked myself away so I don't hurt anyone. I heard a motorcycle outside and then a door opening downstairs. I heard broken glass crunching and panting so I locked my bedroom door scared. "(Y/N) you home?" Shit it's Leon "Go away Leon!" I yelled and in tears "(Y/N) I'm sorry for everything I said. You're right about Chris and Ada I saw them. Please come out of the room so I can help you." I shake and cried "I can't I'll kill you. I can't control my powers I'll hurt you."

Leon's POV

I teared up "You won't I love you (Y/N) trust me I know you won't hurt the one you love the most." She sighs and opens the door slowly with her powers. I saw how broken she is and I held her hand softly then she's trying to pull away scared. "It's okay I got you (N/N)." She shakily nods "You're not lying are you? About being sorry and loving me too?" I shake my head "I'm not and I'm truly sorry."

I hugged her close as we both cried. "I love you (Y/N)." I said sniffling as she smiles softly "I love you too." I kissed her softly as she kisses back. "Too bad I didn't buy you a ring." I said pulling away and she blushes "It's okay Leon....I sort of need to get my house fixed up." I chuckled "I'll help you out." She nods and kisses me again.

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