When You and Leon Go To A Concert With Everyone

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(requested by SHEPARD2996)

You got 4 tickets to go see a band called Zombie Lovers and Leon is so excited to see them especially Chris and Claire. You giggled seeing them jumping around excitedly and tackle you in hugs as you held them up.

Leon's POV

I can't believe that she actually got us tickets and we are on our way to go see Zombie Lovers. Once when we got there I have a surprise for my girlfriend.

Time Skip

The concert starts and then we started yelling excitedly. "Hey how's everyone doing tonight?!" The lead singer asked. We all yelled "Okay so we have an email from Leon Kennedy and he has a surprise for his girlfriend." I see my girlfriend confused looking at me. "So Leon and (Y/N) come up here on stage."

No One's POV

You both went up on stage and Leon smiled nervously as everyone screamed "Leon? What's going on?" You asked and Leon grabbed a dark blue box making you teared up. Leon got down on one knee and you covered your mouth.

"(Y/N), you've been by my side ever since I started as a police officer and now I want more. I want you to stay and never leave...So (Y/N) will you marry me?" You cried and hugged him tightly. "Yes!!!" Everyone screamed including Chris and Claire. You were still crying and kissed Leon passionately.

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