You're My World

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(requested by AngelaDavila15)

You cried as you found out you're pregnant and your boyfriend left you after you told him. You were scared and rubbed your tummy. "I'll be here for you baby. I promise I wouldn't leave you. Just like daddy left us."

9 months later you gave birth to a baby boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello my little Leon Scott Kennedy." He smiles and cooed as you held him close.

6 years later (Y/N)'s POV

"Mommy when I grow up I want to be a police officer!" Leon said smiling. I giggled "If that's what you want to be then you do it I'll still be proud of you." I kissed his head and smiled "I love you mommy." I giggled "I love you too."

10 years later (Y/N)'s POV

"Hey mom what ever happened to dad?" I frowned as he asked "He left as soon as I told him I was pregnant with you sweetheart." He turned around and looks at me frowning "I'm sorry Mom I shouldn't have asked." I shake my head "You deserve to know honey you're old enough you're 16 now." He hugs me and hold him close.

5 years later (Y/N)'s POV

My son is a police officer and I'm proud of him. I looked at the photos and I cried my baby boy is all grown up. "Mom?" I turned to see him in his RPD uniform I wiped my tears "Oh honey look at you all grown up and handsome." I smiled and he hugs me. "Mom I love you you're my world." I smiled "You're my world too Leon."

Leon x Reader Short Stories and Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now