When Your Ex Boyfriend Hits You and Leon Saves You

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You and (BFF/N) were out shopping for new clothes at the mall for your final year of high school. It sounds pretty crazy for you. When you guys were done shopping you guys came back home to find your ex boyfriend drunk and upset. "(EB/N) what are you doing here?!" You yelled at him and he slapped you in the face. "Shut up bitch I live here too!" He yelled back at you.

(BFF/N) called the police as soon as possible telling them that your ex has broken into the house and hit you in the face. You were crying as (BFF/N) tried to get him away from you. "(EB/N) I called the police and they're on their way!" He/She yelled then a young male officer held a gun pointed at your ex boyfriend.

"Freeze you're under arrest for intruding and assault on the girl." He said with so much anger in his face as he saw you in tears and in pain. Your ex drunkenly raised his hands up "She's nothing but a whore anyways. I cheated on her because of it." He said after he was in cuffs and taken away by the back up officers. (BFF/N) helps you up and gently takes you to the couch then getting you a glass of water.

You said thanks to her/him and takes a sip while bruises are forming on your face as tears stop falling. "Ma'am has this happen before?" the young officer asked. You shook your head "No sir I dated him for 3 months. We broke up 2 weeks ago because he did cheat on me. This is the first time he ever laid a hand on me oh and call me (Y/N)."

He nods "My name is officer Leon Kennedy. If you need someone to talk to here's my card. My email and phone number is on there. I hate to see a pretty girl like you in so much pain."

You blushed and nodded "Thank you Leon I appreciate it. I'm just glad my best friend called you right away." He smiled and nodded "I'll come back to check on you to see how you're doing and your ex will be in jail for a long time. I hope you both have a better day than this one."

You giggled and said goodbye while (BFF/N) smirked "You guys are soooooo into each other." He/She said as you blushed while you hear Leon yell "I heard that and maybe you're right give me a call (Y/N) for a date!" He closed the door making you blush and your best friend laugh.

The Next Day Leon's POV

My phone rang and I smiled thinking about (Y/N) "Hello this is Leon Kennedy." I heard a girl laugh softly "Hey Leon. This is (Y/N) from the other night." I chuckled "Funny I was just thinking about you. How are you feeling?" She sighs "Bruises are bad but I'm okay." I frowned softly "I wish I was there sooner." "Leon it's okay. He still would've done it no matter what." I sighed "I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee today?" I heard her say and I smiled "Sure I would love to. I'll be there in 10." I gotten dressed and then left the house to go to hers.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked out smiling having makeup on hiding the bruises and getting into his car. "Hey Leon." He smiled "Hey (N/N)." He drives to the coffee place then we go in to sit down. "So what's it like to be a police officer?" I asked Leon and he gives me a smile "My dad was before he died and I'm just following his footsteps. It's a wild ride for me though but I'll get used to it." I smiled "I'm sure he's proud of you." He nods "Yeah I think so too." I sipped my coffee and looked outside. "What about you? What do you do?" I heard him and I smiled looking at him "I'm currently studying for college and I work 2 different jobs." He nods "Yeah I dropped out of college and went to the police academy." I looked at him and smiled holding his hand on the table. He looked at me then lean forward and kisses my lips softly which I accepted kissing him back.

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