When You Are a Bio Weapon

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(requested by Amera_dark)

When you were a little girl you were kidnapped by Wesker and he's done so many tests on you. Putting viruses in you and when you turned he puts the cure in you. When Chris killed Wesker he found you and you were tied up so you couldn't get away.

That was years ago and you were depressed looking at a mirror you stabbed yourself then it heals all back up (like Sherry). You weren't normal and people don't trust you but Chris and Leon does. Leon loves taking care of you.

Leon's POV

I feel so bad for (Y/N) she's not normal everyone can tell but I love her to pieces and when she's upset she turns her arm into a weapon like how Chris describe Piers's arm (RIP) and she is amazing. I hear grunting do I go check it out and I see her stabbing herself repeatedly "Hey (Y/N) will you please stop doing that?"

She looks at me with an angry face "I just want to die I can't live like this anymore! No one fucking trusts me just because I'm a monster!" She yelled in tears "You're not a monster Chris and I know that for sure. If you were you probably would be dead!" I yelled back "Good at least I'll feel normal that way!"

I can't take it anymore I grabbed her and kissed her roughly then I pull away "If you have my babies I bet they'll be cute little monsters mixed with normal." I winked and she blushes "S-shut up Leon." I smiled and kissed her head "I love you (Y/N)." She smiled "I love you too."

(I'm sorry if it's bad I tried my best)

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