When You Are Leon's Daughter Part 2 of 3

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(warning mention of rape)

10 years later Leon's POV

My daughter is 16 years old and she's a great shooter like me. "Dad I have some news!!" She comes in with a boy...oh helllllll no. I can tell he's not a good guy. "This is my boyfriend (boyfriend's name) we're going to the movies." She said smiling. "Okay just be careful and be home before 10 okay?" She nods and they leave.

Time Skip 12 AM

She's fucking late and then I saw her walking in tears fixing her clothes don't tell me...I opened the door "Baby girl what happened where's your boyfriend?!" She cried clinging on to me "Baby girl...talk to me....please." I rubbed her back "(Boyfriend's name) raped me when I told him I wasn't ready and left...he had no condom on and he tied me up so I couldn't reach my knife..." I was pissed "I'm gonna kill him! Stay here okay?" She nods and goes inside. Then I found him and put his ass to jail.

3 weeks later (Y/N)'s POV

I'm pregnant and I'm scared....I'm a single mom I took 2 tests and they're positive and I don't know what to do. I have to tell my dad so I go to him. "Daddy can I talk to you?" I have the tests in my hands shaking and my dad sees...

Leon's POV

My daughter has two pregnancy tests and they're positive. "I'm so sorry daddy..." She's crying hard and I hug her tightly "Shhhhh baby girl it's okay I'll support you and the baby okay? I'm your dad it's my job." She nodded and cling on to me. "I can't believe I'm a grandpa!" I smiled and she laughs.

9 months later

My daughter gave birth to a baby girl that looks like her 100%. The father is in prison and we won't mentioned it to the baby. She's now 17 and people were judging her calling her disgusting and I tell them I'm her father then they leave us alone. Then a woman came to us "Um excuse me miss how old are you?" She smiled "I'm 17 and I'm here with my dad and my baby." She smiled "The baby is very cute. What's her name?" She laughed "(D/N) and she was born a few weeks ago." She smiled and left. "Dad I wanna go home people are watching us." I nodded and we left while I have my granddaughter in my arms.

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