Stirring the Pot

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Blade mission report—conference Room

Krolia pulls Keith aside and asks if he heard the news. "News?" Keith asks. He absently wonders what went wrong now. Hopefully nothing major, he wanted to sleep for a week after the last mission.

"Yes, the green paladin has moved in with the red paladin."

"What?!? No you must have misheard." Keith replies while shaking his head in the negative. "I just talked to Pidge a few days ago and she didn't say anything about that. (Voice trailing off)"

"Well, I spoke to Colleen while gathering the information for this meeting and she said that Katie is taking an extended break to figure things out. With the red paladin. On his planet. Just the two of them. Do you think this means they are mated?"

Keith instantly replies, "NO!!. (Then more slowly, trying to think it through) I mean well, I don't know. Neither have said anything about it. But, yeah, well, then, that's great. Good for them. They deserve to be happy. Both of them. Great." He rubs his neck and absently is trying to make this information fit.

His mom slowly nods while thinking, hmmmm. "Ok, I just wanted to let you know. I think the meeting is finally starting." Grabbing his arm, she maneuvered him in the room.

During the meeting she kept a sharp eye on her son. He has been busy working but he never seemed satisfied, happy or even relaxed. Over the past year, he's seen his friends less, has taken more missions and has been withdrawing more. This was concerning her because she found she wanted him to be happy. And perhaps mated with a few kits. She'd like to be a grandparent and she didn't think it was too much to ask. For a doobash she thought Acxa was an option but quickly saw that Keith did not reciprocate those all.

After a call to Colleen about stock, conversation turned personal. She found that she had the same concerns and worries about her daughter. Neither of them were content to let things just go and they both agreed that their children needed something, a push so to say, a nudge, guidance, help. Which they both felt they could do, should do. Then she took a chance and mentioned that she noticed that Keith talked about the Green Paladin in a different way than the others (that's ok because she did not reveal his secret). It's not like she mentioned how in the quantum abyss he cried out for her at night in his sleep or that he related stories involving her over and over. And over. But then Colleen mentioned how her daughter always took Keith's calls and she often turned down dates from other candidates who were interested in her.

Krolia was very happy this was discussed because she felt a little guilty that she didn't push this issue earlier. But a war was going on and duty came first. It would have been wrong to encourage it then even though she found love in the midst of one. But the war was over. And everyone went their separate ways. It was then she again took note that Keith always seemed to smile more after conversations with the Green Paladin and that he always took her calls. Always. Plus there was the fact that they seemed so in sync, just like Galra mates. She witnessed this first hand so many times.

Or that Cosmo was territorial and protective around the Green Paladin, like she was a member of the pack. So many little clues that she could not over look, even if her son did. She honestly couldn't tell if he was just oblivious or if he knew and was scared. She was on her own personal mission. She missed so much, she just wanted him happy. She would be his mom and help, Colleen said this is what parents do. She wanted him to find what she had with his dad, and hopefully with much more time. And kits.

Focusing back on the meeting, a review of past missions were completed, data compiled and needs assessed. It was determined that they needed more seeds/supplies to give to other planets who were trying to repopulate their worlds. Keith who seemed distracted for the most part, suddenly and loudly volunteered to help gather more supplies and people. It just so happened that Lance is growing seeds that should work well in a multitude of planet environments. It was then that Krolia smiled smugly and made plans to call Colleen as soon as Keith left the ship.

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