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The stench of burnt blood, steel, and rubber is the most painful sensation my nose felt. There are now several explosions ringing around the environment, and the source of it is the burning city which is a kilometer away from us.

Vanilla City is well known for its vanilla-like thick snow. It is a fortress-like city of the Empire of Alterra which also serves as a center of commerce other than the capital. It is made up of skyscrapers bathing with snow which makes it feel like Christmas every day. Surrounded by tall and thick walls made of steel, the city is never meant to be penetrated from the outside forces. It is a peaceful sanctuary of humans and dragonoids alike.

On normal days, the snow is pure white. But now that we’re here, we can see a small tint of darkness on its snow. Three explosions echoed.

“It has started,” Alfred said. “The explosions… it’s the signal of the start of the war.”

Alfred Sierro is my senior, a fine man with white complexion with a trendy pineapple haircut. His hair is artificially blonde which makes him look like a pop star. In fact, girls who saw him would fall for him in first sight, if the girls can endure his putrid smell, that is.

“Is that the signal?” I asked. “Are you sure that’s not your fart?” I covered my nose.

“Hahaha! You’re just smelling Alfred’s stinkiness again.” Carlo laughed.

Carlo Tavionas is my other senior and a best friend of Alfred. He is a bulky tan guy having spiky black hair. He’s somewhat opposite of Alfred since he doesn’t have any distinct characteristics that would attract any girls. He’s quite ugly, but don’t tell him that. His macho fatty arms would certainly be good for beating the crap out of anyone.

“Shut up, piece shit.” Alfred curled his eyebrows. “We are going in as planned. We sneak in, grab the dossier, and get the hell out of there alive. Understood?”

“Roger.” Carlo and I said as we pulled down the steampunk skull gas masks on top of our heads. We also pulled the furry hood to cover the majority of our head.

We started to move into the vast desert of snow. We’re one kilometer away from the Vanilla City, yet the smoke can be smelled from this place. There is a thick dark cloud covering the snowy metropolis, and I can see raging flames on the skyscrapers.


There was a loud distant dragon’s roar, and it’s coming from the city. It’s almost impossible for a loud voice to be heard in such distance unless the dragon was really big.

Not being threatened, we venture forward. We are all aware that we are entering a place that is about to turn to hell. We have a mission to complete.

Alfred, Carlo, and I are no strangers to the cold. Back in Elysia, we trained under special temperatures and endured nightly snowstorms. Yet whenever I remember the events of this day, the chills continue to haunt me.

“Get down! Now!” Alfred whispered.

Without any qualms, Carlo and I followed. We laid flat on the thick snow and let the icy rain shower upon our bodies. We are wearing thick Eskimo suits, so the cold wouldn’t bother us even if we sleep here for six hours.

“What is it?” Carlo asked.

“Armada. There’s a bunch of them.” Alfred said.

“Couldn’t we just take them out?” I asked.

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