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The sound of explosions continues as we battle the greatest enemy of our lives. The Elder Ancientech Dragon is a world-level threat that needs to be stopped no matter what, no matter how many people die in the process. As of this moment, about twenty airships and thirty-three dreadnoughts have been destroyed by the continental abomination. Around thirty dragon knights were killed, and eighty are now severely injured and combat ineffective.

The battle rages on. The countries of Sargus and Fleija also sent for our backup, and there are over forty airships that were added to our forces. Some ultranationalists from Elysia who are against Eldritch’s dictatorship also contributed thirty dragon knights and twenty-five airships. This is an all-out war not against humans, or not against dragonoids, but against a supernatural threat.

However, the power of the Elder Ancientech Dragon is otherworldly. One whip of its claws and several people will die. It’s been almost half an hour since we engaged in battle with that thing, but there’s not even a scratch or dent on its golden skin.

Slowly, the Elder Ancientech Dragon marches with its foot still underwater. It’s going east, which means it will be targeting the country of Elysia. A single smash of its hand would demolish an entire city and make a crater out of it. We may be Elysia’s enemy, but thousands of innocent lives would be lost. We have to do what is necessary to stop this thing.

“The survey about the Elder Ancientech Dragon is complete.” One of the dragon knights reported to us. This dragon knight is using his Futuretech Dragon to track down anything it picks up around the Elder Ancientech Dragon’s body for the past fifteen minutes. “We have not detected any life force in the area around that colossal dragon. Our heartbeat sensors are not detecting anything either.”

“That’s weird,” Alphonse muttered. “If Danielle’s presumption about the Elder whatever-the-fuck Dragon using Vesryn Pulse is correct, there must be a heart to maintain its dragon form.”

“I can feel Vesryn Pulse-like energy on its core.” The dragon knight continued his report. “However, that’s the only thing worthwhile I have found out. I’m sorry, Sir Faradeiss.”

“That’s okay. Fuck off now, will you.” Alphonse said. He’s still as rude as ever to everyone he talks to.

When the dragon knight with the Futuretech Dragon exited the scene, I and my Nexus Dragon hovered beside Alphonse and his Elemental Dragon. We turned on our communications with Danielle once again to brainstorm.

“So the Vesryn Pulse-like energy is our only lead, huh?” Danielle said. “This might be a lot more troublesome than I thought.”

“You still have a plan in mind, Miss-Acting-Genius-Bimbo-Chocolate?” Alphonse smirked with a slight annoyance on his eyes.

“Oui Senor,” Danielle said. “But it is a gamble.”

“Then we’ll fucking take it. The world is ending, and we’ve been gambling for all our lives every time we go to the battlefield.” Alphonse said.

“Alphonse is right. Everything was a gamble from the start. We’re running out of ideas to defeat that guy anyway.” I seconded.

“Fine…” Danielle can be heard making a deep sigh as she said that word. “...So here is another presumption. If we can’t find the dragon knight outside the Elder Ancientech Dragon, then there is only one other place to look for. It’s inside.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now