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The night skies gave off a meteor shower as we are both engulfed in silence. Stars bloom and rush down from west to east, making a glimmering light in the dark of the midnight. The hospital rooftop must be the perfect place to gaze upon these absolutely beautiful phenomena, but our focus is on something more colorful.

“Serena… Will you repeat that again?” I muttered.

“Shut up! Shut up!” Serena made a childish cry as she covered her mouth, her blushing cheeks glowing. “I don’t want to ruin our relationship as a dragon and a knight, so please don’t make me say it again.”

I’m pretty sure on what I have heard from her. That kiss earlier is proof of that. I just want her to say it again to be certain that she is sure about what she’s talking about. But since she’s too embarrassed to tell it again, I just smiled and patted her head like my pet dog. Then, I turned away and gazed upon the stars. I know she does not want me to look her shy and soft part, so I won’t do anything to make this a lot more awkward.

There was a three-second silence that was filled with awkwardness. Suddenly, I felt a warm hug, and it’s coming from the woman who repeated her confession to me while dipping her face on my back.

“I love you, Senpai,” Serena whispered, her mouth muffled but it’s loud and clear enough for me to hear. “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping the boundaries of our relationship. I just couldn’t help but fall in love with you again. Please don’t be mad at me. You didn’t have to respond to my feelings. I am your dragon, and you are my knight. That’s all I wanted, and I will not ask for something more.”

I bowed down and stared at the ground. “Serena… why me?”

“I don’t know, Senpai. When I first saw you, I admit that I didn’t fall in love with you the first time. I was just merely interested, that this man who has the name of Xenon Wingate is somebody I wanted to talk to. I was a celebrity back then, and you were in a happy relationship with Marisse Trystgade. I thought that our worlds are not meant to cross each other, but everything changed when everything in my sight collapsed.”

Serena’s hug became tighter. I can feel the strong and fast beating of her heart, and it’s perfectly synchronizing with mine. The warmth of her body that is shared to mine makes me immune to the cold breeze of the midnight wind.

“That simple feeling of interest became a strong feeling of admiration when you saved me back in Vanilla City two years ago. When you defended me from bad guys, I thought to myself that this Xenon Wingate is reliable and can be trusted. I once feared of having friends because I worry that I might be betrayed again, but I know you are not one of those abusive humans. You took care of me as if I’m a real friend that worries about all my wellbeing, and you gave me the freedom that most dragonoids don’t have. I feared to become a slave, but I realized that it doesn’t matter if I become one as long as you are my master.”

Serena lifted her head and stick her cheek to mine. I can smell the fragrance of her hair that gives me a sensation that never wanted to let go. I held her gloved hands and gripped it tight. Seeing my response, Serena continued to express her feelings.

“That strong feeling of admiration became an unconditional love. I don’t know when it happened. Maybe I felt it when you took the Crimson Dragonfly’s attack for me, or maybe when you got yourself wounded on the beach by protecting me from my attacker. It doesn’t matter, as both events made my feelings stronger. You risked your life to save me, multiple times. I’m so lucky that I have a knight-in-shining-armor like you even though I’m not a princess.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now