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The cold air swiftly invaded my cheeks as soon as I opened the door to a room. It was dark, and there’s only a minimal source of light. It’s kind of the same room we once had when we’re interrogating Sir Xenon Wingate to learn about the whereabouts of the Psychic Amplifier, but the only difference is that I’m not entering the interrogation room, but some kind of experimentation room.

The machinery continues to produce a soft beeping noise with an interval of five seconds. There are various apparatuses in this place that makes it look like a gloomy place to start a zombie apocalypse. It’s one of Cheng Du’s labs so it is doomed to be fashioned in that way.

As I continue to venture deeper, I have finally reached the finish line. There is some kind of hospital bed and there is someone resting on it. This man’s head is covered, as there is some kind of virtual-reality-looking device that checks his eye and brain activity.

When I looked at the side of the room, I was not surprised to see a dragon knight… no, a newly-promoted Pentagram Knight; Sir Estoff Wraith. Beside him is a petite and adorable scarlet-haired dragonoid that used to be an enemy, but now she’s managing the bar that Serena has given to her. I believe that the girl is named Airelina Frembell.

Sir Estoff Wraith wordlessly nodded, and then he gave a dossier to me. I scanned the pages of the medical report on the man who’s lying in the bed and immediately made a conclusion.

“Are you sure this is okay with Lady Danielle?” I asked. “It’s his cousin we’re having experiments with.”

“It’s okay,” Estoff said. “That man is certainly the one. He has displayed such power and even defeated a general with a mere activation of a Vesryn Pulse, and that’s a month ago. He’s the last Eye of Deus user as of this moment, and I believe he is the key to everything.”

I looked back at the dossier and read out loud the man’s profile. “Amphere Harrison, Fourth Class Dragon Knight. Enrolled in the Dragon Knight Academy six months ago, and he’s about to be promoted into Third Class. Dragonoid partner is Airelina Frembell.”

I looked at the scarlet-haired dragonoid who seems to be worried about his knight’s wellbeing. I find it odd because we’re not really having any dangerous operation with her knight as of this moment, but she seemed to be muttering his nickname.

“Amphy… Please don’t hate me totally for this…” The worried dragonoid said.

Suddenly, a mechanical door opened, revealing a fat man in a lab gown. This man has a square face and there are hints of severe injury on his body. His left arm had melted, and his left face looked like burnt pizza. This man is all familiar in any way concerned, and this man should’ve been long dead.

“Doctor Cheng Du, how is the patient?” Estoff asked.

The injured doctor is definitely the treasonous duke, Doctor Cheng Du. Back during the operation to hunt him down, Estoff Wraith sneaked and secretly saved the fat man’s life in the crash site. Everybody was told that he was destroyed by the nuclear explosion that Xenon has made, but the truth is, he’s being kept here alive by the remnants of Arcadia.

Doctor Cheng Du adjusted his eyeglasses because his left eye can no longer see. “The subject has been diagnosed with the properties of Eye of Deus. He will be able to control the hearts of the dragonoids with ease, but I’m afraid he won’t be able to use its psychic powers at full potential.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now