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There was a smile of relief on my face as I reminisce about that moment with Serena two and a half years ago. I can still feel her warm body on my chest. I can still remember her tears flowing through my neck. It took me a three-second idle time until I finally realized that I'm in a pinch right now, sitting in an electrical torture chair, being interrogated by unknown people.

[Serena Maizono is a rare Nexus Dragon. Aside from that, she can activate the ancient arts of Elfrom that gives her unlimited supply of magical energy coming from nature. She has the blood of the Dragon King running on her veins, as stated by Zac Schneider. Serena Maizono possesses the power to change the world. If the humans or dragonoids discovers her identity for being royal blood, the course of history will divert, leading into a more chaotic dragonoid war.]

As the interrogator monologues, my eyes opened wide. That is the most critical secret Serena possesses, and having the information about her being the inheritor to the throne of dragons will pose her in grave danger. All persons who are hungry for her power would dare to capture her!

"Hey, don't do anything to Serena!" I shouted. "I'll fucking kill you if you lay a hand on her!"

[We are not here for Serena, Xenon. We do not care if she's the most powerful dragonoid in the world. We do not care about her mysterious Elform abilities. We are here for you, and the Psychic Amplifier, alone.]

That relieved me even just a little. I am fine being held by these mysterious people as long as it does not have something to do to Serena. The thought of Serena being safe is enough to calm my nerves.

Suddenly, the interrogator spoke again with his cybernetic voice.

[Let's go back to Zac Schneider. Does he know something about the Psychic Amplifier?]

"We will never know." I scoffed. "He never talked. During his questioning and interrogation, he kept mumbling nonsense such as 'Viva Arcadia' and 'Necross shall come'. We believe he became crazy after his defeat. Since he failed to cooperate with the empire, he was convicted guilty for the crimes he has committed and got a public execution. He got himself beheaded in the eyes of the public."

[You were there at Zac Schneider's execution. Before the guillotine falls, Zac muttered a name. Do you know a person named Airelina Frembell?]

"I don't," I said. "But I know that Serena knows somebody who goes by that name. Don't bother yourself from asking, I'm pretty sure that this Airelina Frembell has nothing to do with your Psychic Amplifier."

There was a long pause between each side. It seems that the interrogator is checking papers. It gave me a little time to relax on my chair until he went talking again.

[Arcadia has nothing to do with the Psychic Amplifier. Your memories and your testimonies are proof of that. Even though they are collaborating with Elysia, they seem to not know about Eldritch's schemes.]

"Zac Schneider and his circle of terrorist friends never knew that they are just playing at Eldritch's hands. That cunning bastard just used them as a distraction to execute his plans in the dark. While the Empire of Alterra is busy cleaning off rebellions, the Empire of Elysia is already making their move in Sargus."

[You are talking about the Elysian-Sargusian Federation Treaty that happened on the same day as Operation Arcadia Annihilation.]

"Yes," I answered. "Elysian-Sargusian Federation Treaty is an agreement between the Empires of Elysia and the Parliament of Sargus to join countries under single union. They conducted an election and Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch won, making her the head of the federation. And thus they created an alliance named United Human Nations."

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now