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“Activating Partial Dragon Form.”

Senpai whispered in my ear. I felt his warm hand gently touching my heart, and a golden light glowed upon my body. My angelic white-and-blue wings and long lizard tail spawned from my back.

Senpai has inhaled chemical gas, so I knew the purpose of why he activated my Partial Dragon Form. I slowly raised my body and flapped my wings, blowing the white phosphorus smoke away from us. Since this is a narrow hall, the chemicals only cycled on the other side of this tight space. All my wings did is to make the air a little less dense.

“Motherfucker! No wonder Zac fucking Schneider is guilty of war crimes!” Alphonse revealed his chains, and his dragonoid Z readied a magical kata stance, all while covering their nose and mouth with a handkerchief. “Destroy that tank!”

“Wait!” Senpai cried. “The air will ignite if we use any attack magic!”

“Huh!? Then how are we supposed to destroy that tank without magic?” Alphonse asked.

Without magic, we are merely humans. Using the Vesryn Pulse in this tight hallway would pose more problems since we won’t have mobility if I and Z turn into a giant dragon. Of course, breathing fire or using other elemental magic is suicide in this situation. Using Forge magic would also make sparks that would probably ignite the white phosphorus in the air.

Senpai finally stood up and offered his hand to help me stand. I drew a handkerchief from my pocket and covered my mouth. However, Senpai used his sleeve to breathe through the unclean air. I want to nag him for not bringing his own handkerchief, but that would come later.

“Hey, answer me, prick! How are we supposed to deal with that tank!?” Alphonse shouted again with his muffled voice.

Senpai took a step forward and slammed his shield on the ground. Suddenly, two hilts popped up on the top edge of his shield. He held those hilts with each of his hands, pulled it away from each other, splitting the shield into two like a twin popsicle ice cream. The two halves of the shield spawned sharp blades on its other sides, making it a set of sharp buster swords. My dragon knight slammed his giant weapons to the ground and made the broken pieces of tiles dance in the air.

“Brute force, Alphonse. Brute force.” Senpai said with a confident smile.

Suddenly, there was a loud clunk, followed by a cannon’s roar. The tank fired another explosive shell again, directed to us. If another set of chemical air explodes in this area, the whole place will be filled with poison.


In a blink of an eye, with proper timing and precision, Senpai swung one of his buster swords to slice the gigantic bullet in half. He managed to slice off the trigger of the chemical inside the shell, so it didn’t explode white smoke like before.

Without wasting any time, Senpai charged forward while holding his breath. In just a matter of two seconds, he closed the distance and finally made it to the tank. Senpai is using his magical energy to fortify his muscles and lighten his bones from the inside, which makes him as agile as a surging falcon.


Senpai jumped forward like a slam dunk champion and slammed his two buster swords straight to the tank’s core. The tank was split into three pieces like a cake, revealing its machine interiors. Because of the impact, the tank, or what’s left of it, was pushed backward, shattering the wall to the other side. The air from outside vacuumed the white smoke, making this tight hall free from toxicity.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now