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As the sun peeks out from the horizon, the giant Excalibur sinks in towards the ocean. Several shockwave pulses every second as the Sword of Camelot continue to surge upon the otherworldly entity that has the eye of gods at her disposal. Being restrained by chains and having her clothes and skin melted by elemental attacks she still has enough power to resist.

“Psychic Orbs! Burst!” Sakuradrop screamed in panic as she telekinetically controlled her floating pink bombs to intercept the Sword of Camelot’s path.

Twelve explosions were made in a danger-close situation on Sakuradrop’s perspective. These psychic blasts are powerful enough to evaporate half of a gigantic airship, but destroying the battleship-sized legendary sword is a far greater challenge. Sword of Camelot is protected by the natural force and wind barriers, and such invisible shields only broke after seven psychic orbs exploded. The rest of the orbs managed to destroy the sharp edges of the sword, but it is still powerful enough to crash onto the enemy.

“Kraaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!” Sakuradrop cried as she sunk into the ocean together with the remains of the Sword of Camelot. A gigantic splash was made, followed by a whirlpool. Then a golden light blasted under the sea.

“Activating Vesryn Pulse!” Alphonse shouted just before he could fall to the ground. With such magic, Z transformed into an Elemental Dragon to catch the falling Alphonse and Danielle in midair. “Whew! That was freaking risky!”

“Good work, Senor.” Danielle praised her friend. Then the black beauty looked at me who is floating in the atmosphere. “Good job to you too, Mademoiselle.”

I lowered my altitude and matched the Elemental Dragon’s position. I made a smile to my friends, but I immediately changed to a serious expression as I stare back at the sea. I used my magical sixth sense to feel the nature around and saw that there is still a peculiar aura looming on the seafloor.

“Sakuradrop, stop playing games with us. We know that you’re not done yet.”

Suddenly, the sea split open, revealing the wounded dragonoid in the center. Sakuradrop is standing on top of a gigantic coral, and she’s giving this same malicious smile at us that struck fear to our sensations. Her lotus dress has been burnt completely, and now she’s nude. She looked like a perfect woman that can only be seen on paintings with that flawless white skin of hers. The wounds she sustained from Z’s magical sprinkles immediately healed as if she has a supreme regeneration that can top Elform.

“Damn, I would like to let you go because Eldritch needed my protection, but you guys are really determined to die this day.” Sakuradrop flicked her silky long black hair. “If that is what you guys wish, then I will be more than happy enough to massacre all of you at once.”

Sakuradrop reached out her delicate hand in the air, and golden particles of light gathered to form a sakura-shaped rosary. The rosary has eight petals, and each petal has a genuine beating heart that looks the same as those that Lothar Pendragon used for Vesryn Pulse. I can sense an absurd amount of magical energy from that weird rosary, and I am now certain that the aura of fear we’ve been feeling the whole time comes from that object.

“Fucking shit! W-What the heck is that!? Disgusting!” Alphonse almost puked.

“Si Senor. I can’t imagine how many dragon knights she killed just to make that thing.” Danielle trembled.

“Y-You… That’s way too horrible, Sakuradrop…” I covered my mouth and gasped.

“For the past years, I have been choosing the best dragon knights in Elysia, Sargus, and Fleija. Eldritch even held out a tournament just for me to get the best toys available. Unfortunately, this necklace is not yet complete. I planned on taking Alphonse Faradeiss’s heart sooner, but I think eight dragon knight hearts will suffice to conquer the world.” Sakuradrop laughed like a mad brat.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now