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That’s what I cried when the case of beer I’m carrying fell out to the sandy ground. I’m currently in charge of transferring the food, drinks, and the grill for our barbecue and alcohol party that is about to happen later tonight, and it just so happens that I’m carrying the case of liquors on top of the box of charcoals. My hand is full so the case became unbalanced. Luckily, due to the fine sand, none of the beer bottles broke. So I pick it all up, assembled it to the case, and put it on top of the box of charcoals, ready for transfer again.

“Master, maybe you should have left that case back in the van and carry those things one at a time.” Z said in a concerned tone. Right now, her arms are carrying a box of condiments for our barbecue.

“It’s either I fail, or I’ll die trying!” I cried out loud as I try to balance the case while I walk.

“Hey, Master. Look at that.” Suddenly, Z elbowed my stomach. It’s a little gentle, but it made me a little ticklish, so I dropped the case of beer back in the sandy ground again. I was about to utter a bad word until I saw what Z is trying to say.

At the edge of the shore are two persons, a man and a woman standing in front of each other, with the orange sun setting on the horizon at the background. The man and woman are both blushing, and they seemed to have been interrupted. They are just standing still, not making any movement. It’s Xenon and Serena.

“Hey, fucktard! A little help please?” I called out my fellow dragon knight as I pick up the fallen beer on the sand.

“...Oh, okay.” Xenon obediently replied as he went to me and helped me pick up the bottles. “Damn, don’t just drop these precious things on the ground!” He scolded.

Meanwhile, Serena is still there, left standing at the edge of the sandy ground. After three seconds, she slapped both of her blushing cheeks and joined us out.

I think I just interrupted their private moment with my potty mouth, making them fall into an awkward situation. Well, it doesn’t matter. I know those two lovebirds will get their chances once the social drinking party starts.

When the night came, all of us knights and dragonoids worked hard to set up. Xenon is in charge of setting up the grill, Serena is in charge with cooking, I’m in charge of readying the beers and cocktails, while Z had the hardest job of all; to light a bonfire.

When Danielle and her dragonoid Nathaniel finally came back to the beach camp, we were almost finished setting up. Those two came from the police station and learned that the dragonoid assailant earlier was a remnant of Arcadia, and it seems that he’s just angry at Serena.

Putting those trivial things aside, we should not let that incident ruin our vacation. Now that the food, drinks, and bonfire has been set, it’s time for this barbecue party!

“For the dragon knights!” I raised my beer.

“For the dragon knights!” Everyone cheered as they mimicked my actions. Then, everybody started to chomp down their food and gulp their liquors.

“Hey, Xenon-bitch.” I grabbed the attention of my rival. “Let’s have a drinking contest. The first moron who gets tipsy loses!”

“I’ll never lose to you, dipshit.” Xenon accepted my toast. The colliding of our beer bottles is like a bell to a boxing ring for a challenge.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now