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Mamari’s body was enveloped with golden light as Gerald shouted the ancient magic that binds a dragon and a knight. There was a blinding flash, and the moment the light faded, the motherly dragonoid has presented her majestic dragon form.

The dragon is covered with silver plates. Its claws, fangs, and spikes on its tails are also clean silver. Its head is similar to those of a pterodactyl, only that it is covered with scarlet scales. This dragon has wings similar to a fighter jet, and its feet are similar to a falcon. This dragon lacks any front feet, but instead, it is replaced by a mechanical arm that holds a bundle of missiles. I’ve read it from news articles that this type of dragon is the most used air support unit of Alterra. It is an Airstrike Dragon.

“Rriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhh!!!” The Airstrike Dragon’s roar sounds like the noise of an airline plane taking off.

Gerald hopped in and spread out his hand outward. He’s holding a dagger in each hand, in which he enchanted it with magic to expand until it is now on the size of a regular scimitar. Then, the Airstrike Dragon blasted upward like a harrier, gaining an altitude of twenty meters.

“Activating Vesryn Pulse!”

Seeing the enemy getting serious, I held my chest and transformed Serena into a Nexus Dragon. I immediately rode on the nape of my dragon’s neck and spread out my buster swords, ready for the assault. As my Nexus Dragon flapped its wings, we soared up in the skies.

“U-turn Strike!” Gerald shouted. The Airstrike Dragon’s silver jet wings glowed as it immediately surged to our position with blinding speed! Silver streaks were left in the air as they go supersonic.

“Kuh!” I cried as I managed to parry Gerald’s twin scimitars with my buster swords.

Right after the attack, the Airstrike Dragon rushed away from us, gaining altitude and distance. That U-turn Strike is an extremely quick attack, and I’m actually lucky to have been able to parry it with no problems.

“One more!” Gerald shouted. “U-turn Strike!”

There was it again. All I saw was a silver streak that rushed towards our position. I managed to block the first scimitar with my sword, but the second was a clean hit on my stomach. My shield plate dropped to 53% as soon as it recognized the damage. If only I didn’t wear this high-tech armor on, my breakfast should’ve been spilling out of my belly.    

“Graaaaaaahhhh!!!” My Nexus Dragon prepared a counterattack by breathing blue flames from her mouth, but as soon as her attack was unleashed, the Airstrike Dragon has already gained distance and altitude. That blue flame beam hit nothing but air.

There was around a two-second ceasefire. Assessing from this distance, our dragons are too far away from each other. Gerald and his Airstrike Dragon are about thirty meters above us. His U-turn Strike only has a range of about twenty meters, so he won’t be able to use it again. Not until he approach us first.

But Gerald smiled. His gaze on me tells me that everything has fallen unto his plan, and he’s just waiting to grab a hammer and nail my coffin in this fight.

“Finish them, Mamari!” Gerald shouted.

Suddenly, the Airstrike Dragon released the missiles attached on its mechanical arms. There are eight missiles overall, and each of those is about one meter long. Its rocket fuels burn so fast that the missiles have a speed of two hundred meters per hour!

“Oh shit!” I cried as I reverted my buster swords into a shield. I expanded my blaster shield into a wall that is sufficient to cover my Nexus Dragon’s head and body.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now