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Fighting Serena Maizono alone is impossible. Cheng Du once told me that the wretched bitch has the Dragon Queen’s blood running through her veins, and she’s a descendant of an extinct race of elves. She also seemed to be related to the royal blood of Alterra or maybe some sub-branch of their family, giving her vast arrays of magic at her disposal. It is only natural that I would lose on her hands even though I have polished and mastered my sword skills.

The victory was on Serena’s hand; she was about to bring a giant sword to tear me in half, but something surprising happened. My ex-lover, Xenon Wingate has appeared right in front of my very eyes and blocked his dragonoid’s attack with his glorious shield. The echoing noise of the clashing metals reverberated on the sides of the top floor of this castle.

“Serena, stop this.” Xenon said.

“Xen! What are you doing!?” Serena outrageously cried.

“You didn’t have to do this, Serena. Believe me, you don’t want to.” Xenon said in a calm tone.

“B-But Xen! She… She killed Mayline! She killed you! Of all the people you take pity on, why her!?” Serena cried out loud. Tears crawled on the side of her eyelids as she felt betrayed by her master.

“Serena, trust in me. You don’t need to kill Marisse.” Xenon calmly approached Serena and held her wrists.

Fully submitting to him, Serena dematerialized her giant sword and stood in disbelief. She bowed down as she covered her eyes with her gloved hands and continued to holler out loud.

“Paul…” I muttered in disbelief. I couldn’t think of a way why Xenon would try to save me. He pledged that he would kill me, so now I’m all confused as to why he appeared all of a sudden to avoid me from peril.

“Risse, are you okay?” Xenon slowly approached me and looked at me in the eye. “Where’s Michael?”

“Michael left me.” I bowed down as I cried. “He knew that you will be coming here in the castle, so he executed his final plan of world domination. He knows all your moves and way of thinking. He should be seizing the throne of Alterra as we speak.”

“So I fell to his plans again.” Xenon gritted his teeth. “Why did he leave you here?”

“He left me because he wanted me to become a decoy. He thought that if I get to talk to you, you might as well change your mind and go back to our side.” I said as I held my chest.

I looked at my past lover, who seemed to be in deep thought. Xenon is just looking at the windows as if he’s enjoying the moment of peace. The white-blue skies gave him peace of mind to think about what his next course of action was. I have known Xenon in my life. I knew that he would not make any stupid mistakes because he’s smart.

I looked at Serena, who is still a snotty-crybaby bitch. She looks like a hammered shit when she’s soaked with her own tears and not on make-up. Her crimson eyes are glaring at me with intent to kill, but her eyes are almost empty that she’s feeling disappointed at his dragon knight. She never expected Xenon to be taking a soft side at this very moment.

“Hey, Paul…” I gently slide my palms on my ex-lover’s shoulders. “Mike has abandoned me for the sake of his ambitions. My child was killed by Lothar Pendragon. The Elysian Castle is at the siege. I have nowhere to go to.” I unleashed tears as I dipped my face on my man’s heart. He didn’t seem to resist. Instead, he’s letting me hug him tight as if his heart is still open for me.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now