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For the first time and forever, I have finally granted an audience with the current emperor. It’s been a while since I last stepped on the halls of the castle of Alterra, and the last time I went here was when Sirius Elkyria is the emperor. Right now, the one sitting on the throne is no other than Emperor Michael Eldritch.

When I entered the throne room, I can see Eldritch looking at me with sparkles. He should have been amazed by my beauty as he never faded his smile at me. I don’t want to make long eye contact with him, so I averted my gaze to the decors of the throne room.

I noticed that there are four flags on the sides of the throne room, each corresponds to the sigil of the four empires. This only signifies that Eldritch has really succeeded in uniting the empires into one single nation. Just like what I’ve learned in history, the great one country of ancient Alterra has finally been revived.

My eyes gazed back again to the throne, and I saw a teenage dragonoid wearing a pink lotus dress. Her Eyes of Deus is glaring at me with intent to harm, and I don’t know the reason why. This Dragonoid girl Sakuradrop looked so pissed, and maybe it has something to do with me being here in the very same room.

“Your majesty.” I bowed shortly. I know it’s against my will and I feel like betraying my love Xenon for acknowledging him as my emperor, but I have to make face for now. Besides, I owe Eldritch a favor. “For what reason did you summon me?”

“Serena Maizono,” Eldritch muttered with a saint-like smile as he averted my question. “You’re as beautiful as most people say. In fact, the word beautiful is blasphemy for your existence. Your gorgeous appearance and angel attitude make you a true goddess.”

“Likewise, your highness. You are beyond handsome and saintly. I am truly grateful for pardoning my mother and making her free.” I glared at the current emperor. As of this moment, I want to wash my tongue with soap.

“I like how you address me, oh, Dragon Queen. But I’m sorry, your sarcasm would not sway me.” Eldritch returned my fiery stare at his eyes.

Good. I’m done making faces with him, and I’m pretty sure he’s done too. We can finally talk to our heart's content and be free to throw any words that are suitable for both of us.

“Where is Xenon?” I finally raised my voice.

Eldritch did not say anything. He just smiled. Then he snapped his fingers, signaling someone to do his job. A mind-controlled dragonoid butler of the castle approached me and presented me something. It was my knight’s Futuretech Glove. Seeing such precious things makes me want to burst out in tears. Xenon almost never takes this glove off. I can only wonder where he is right now.

“Don’t worry, my best friend is very much alive.” Eldritch finally spoke.

Tears flowed from my eyes. Hearing the good news, I wanted to holler out loud. Now that Eldritch has told me his condition, all that’s left for me is to see him. I’ll do anything to see him again.

“Please let me see him! Just once! Once is enough!” I cried as I bowed. “He’s sick. His heart only has more than a month to live. Please, your majesty!”

“Ho, that was news to me,” Eldritch said. “I thought my best friend is some kind of cockroach that can’t be killed. I never knew he’s just a dead-man-walking.”

“Emperor Eldritch, please let me see him again! I’ll do anything you want!” I begged again.

Eldritch maintained his smile as she scanned my whole body. His eyes are a little bit perverted, and I can see through all his intentions. Meanwhile, I can see Sakuradrop getting pissed more. Is she mad that his master is taking a look at another else’s dragonoid?

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now