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The hologram globe in front of me lost its bright glow as it started decelerating its spin.

[The Psychic Amplifier Prototype is set to be activated after one year Lothar told the information to you. He knew he could trust you with such information for the shallow reason that Kirina’s heart told him to do so. Did you find it odd and weird that an enemy is giving such vital information? Didn’t you find it suspicious that Lothar is trusting you a bit much?]

“No.” I exhaled my breath. “He knew he has his reasons too. And he’s only the intel I had that concerns Elysia. If it weren’t for him, I would be left in the dark while Cheng, Trystgade, and Eldritch do their evil plans. What other choice do I have but to trust his words?” I laughed.

[You also discovered Cheng’s plan to breed Serena and replicate her powers. You knew that they were coming for her, one way or another. You knew that Serena is being threatened. Yet you kept it a secret from her. Why did you hide it? Do you not trust her?]

“No, you’re wrong!” I cried. “I don’t want her to worry, and I want her to live her life free of problems. I trust her more than anything in this world, even more than myself. She’s the only one I got, so I have to protect her happiness at all cost.”

[Protect her happiness? What did you do to protect her happiness? How did you protect her happiness?]

“Six months.” I exhaled white smoke from my mouth. “I trained for six months to be stronger. I made the resolve to challenge our first Pentagram Knight six months after the Operation Arcadia Annihilation. With the Psychic Amplifier Prototype and the imminent threat to Serena’s life on hand, I put my focus on mastering my magic and the synchronization of our heartbeats. We need to become stronger so that we can defeat whatever threat that comes before us.”

There was a long pause. It seems that the interrogator is doing something behind, and I don’t know what it is. He just continued speaking after ten seconds.

[Let’s go to the time where you challenged the First Pentagram Knight. Who is he?]

“Gerald Lucielo.” I laughed weakly. “He’s the first Pentagram Knight I challenged. Considering that he’s one of the strongest dragon knights in Alterra, he put me to an edge.”




It’s a bright and sunny morning. Normally, I would still be sleeping on the floor or on the sofa on Saturdays six months ago, but now I’m all up and early, ready to go out. I have brushed my teeth and took a bath, and the only thing to do now is to get on my combat apparel.

Meanwhile, my trusted dragonoid Serena can be seen relaxing her stomach on the bed, her chin resting on her hands. She’s still on her sleeping shirt and pajama shorts, and all she’s doing is watching me. There’s even an innocent child-like smile on her face, and her crimson eyes are sparkling. She also had her angel-like wings and white-and-blue tail materialized, and she’s wagging that tail like an excited puppy.

“What’s with that smug?” I coldly glared at my dragonoid.

“Nothing~” Serena chuckled. “It’s just that, you’ve changed for the past six months. You no longer drink overnight or lay lazily on the sofa until it gets noon. It’s like you’re a different person, an ideal Senpai for me~”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now