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It’s past midnight, but the chase never stops.


I gasped for air as I leaned against a wall, completely terrified and sweating like ice. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe how crazy Xenon has been. He made it sure that I would have no escape in this hell. The escape pods have been destroyed or freed. Jumping out of the windows to end my own life is not viable either, as all windows have been sealed with huge thick metal plates.

That crazy bastard. He got me cornered in the shower room of this airship. It would be about half a minute before he gets here, and there’s nowhere to go. I need to find a hiding spot.

I saw a set of locker beside me. Seeing that it is the only choice I have, I opened it and hid my body on such cramped coffin. If he finds me, this might as well be my resting place.

“Huff...huff…” My breathing is getting lighter. I can hear footsteps coming from the door of this locker room, combined with the scary snapping of the shears on his hand. I can see him walking just in front of me, using the vent in this locker as a window. I held my breath, trying to minimize all the noise I could make.

“You can run, and you can hide, my friend.” Xenon laughed. “We can do this all day, all night long. But you will have no escape from me. Now… Which one of these lockers is your hiding place? Are you… here?”

Xenon opened up the locker that was just beside me. There are about twelve lockers here, and it would be tough for him to guess it at first try.

While he was preoccupied with checking the other locker, I took the opportunity to escape and run away. He will find me sooner or later if I stayed hiding in that place, and I’m willing to risk my everything just to have this chance to flee.

“Hold up there, buddy!” Xenon laughed like a maniac as he chased me. I’m only leading five meters away from him, so there will be no way I could lose him this time.

“Huff! Puff!” My gasp for air became faster as I run with full adrenaline. However, speed will not guarantee my escape. After three minutes of running, I found myself in a dead-end, being cornered in the engine room.

“You have nowhere to go, Mike~” Xenon snapped his shears as his demonic and holy eyes glowed.

“W-Wait! D-Don’t cut my toes!” I curled like an armadillo, fully submitting to him.

Xenon grabbed my golden hair and dragged it closer to his face. His lips went closer to my ear as he muttered these words: “Of course, my friend. I won’t remove your toes… I will just smash it. Forge!”

Dropping his shears, Xenon immediately created a hammer that he used to smash my right toe. Blood splattered to the ground as the bones completely shatter like glass.

“Graaaahaaaaaaahhhh!!! Fuck!” I cried out loud. With my reflexes and instinct, I managed to kick off my torturer’s face and I managed to run again. I started to run, albeit in a lumped manner, dragging my injured feet all along.

“Sigh. I should have cut your feet first. I’m such an amateur in this.” Xenon said as he held his head.

“Shit! Get away from me!” I cried with terror as I drag my injured feet. My speed in running has been cut twice as the excruciating pain echoes in my nerves.

“Fine! Fine! I know you’re enjoying this game, my best friend.” Xenon said. “Another round. I’ll stay here and count to one hundred again. Make sure to find a better place to hide.”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now