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After executing the person who killed one of my best friends, I dropped all my weapons. I panted hard as I drew more oxygen to my brain, making me calm down for a little. My wrath has consumed a lot of my energy, and now I’m all out of adrenaline.

I looked from behind and saw Serena, on her human form. She is on her knees, looking at her bloodied hands with disbelief. Her eyes are wide open, and her whole body is shaking. Beside her is a cadaver of a black-haired woman with a dismembered neck and a large hole in her chest. She should be the enemy Chaos Dragon in human form.

“I...I… killed… a dragonoid…” Serena muttered. From the looks of her, she is suffering from trauma for doing her very first kill.

“Serena.” I slowly walked to her side. “Don’t look.”

Serena immediately covered her face with her hands and cried softly. She bowed down, muttering the words “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!” as she repents on what she had done to the poor dragonoid.

“Shush.” I hugged her head and rubbed her flawless smooth hair. “There is nothing you could have done.”

“S-Senpai…” Serena looked at me with her wet innocent kitty-eyes.

I want to comfort her, but this is no time to rest. I can hear a helicopter landing a few meters away from us, and I’m pretty sure it’s an enemy. It bears the sigil of a dragon and a sword; a symbol of the Empire of Alterra. Snow dust flew around as it made a soft landing.

A man with a dark complexion, wearing an attention-grabbing yellow tuxedo and stylish black shades appeared. He also a yellow hat on top of his semi-shaved head.

He is accompanied by a dragonoid; a man who is wearing a tank top revealing his bulky biceps and triceps. He is wearing camo pants and leather shoes. He also has a military mohawk as his hairstyle.

I can sense their power. This yellow-suited man approaching us is a dragon knight, and the mohawk macho man is his dragon. This is not good. Serena’s heartbeats are weak and she’s still suffering from emotional trauma. We won’t be able to use Vesryn Pulse at this state.

“Good afternoon, gentleman.” The yellow-suited man tipped his hat. “My name is Captain Kevin Valesmith, Dragon Knight First Class of the Empire of Alterra. I am not here to fight. I am here to rescue you.”

“What do you want from us?” I asked.

“I want you to accept my gratitude.” Captain Kevin Valesmith said. “You have killed a rebel dragon knight working in the clutches of the terrorist group Arcadia. I had trouble tracking down the traitor amongst our ranks, and you’ve done a great job in seizing that black sheep. So to express my thanks, I’ll deliver you away from this hellhole of a city.”

We don’t have a choice. We don’t have any means of resisting or escaping. Alterra and Elysia are mortal enemies, but they are under a treaty to maintain peace between empires. I have no choice but to trust our lives with this Alterran lapdog.

“Let’s get to the chopper before more terrorists come in this place.” The yellow-suited man said.

“Serena, let’s go.” I grabbed her shoulders and helped her stand up.

And together, we boarded the helicopter and fled the horrific scene of the ruined Vanilla City. The sight from above made it clear to us that the once-prosperous place which is filled with humans and dragonoids is now nothing but a large crater that is converted into a huge dumpsite of rubble and blood.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now