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Goldcliffe City is one big city, with thousands of hectares under its jurisdiction. This is the second time I’ll be going here after the death of Cheng Du, and somehow, I could not familiarize my way. Half of the land is filled with skyscrapers and prosperity, while half of it is covered in dirty slums. Out of all the better choices, Serena established a pub business in the main district of the slums. Apparently, Serena followed Alphonse’s and Danielle’s recommendation of erecting a liquor bar that specializes in serving delicious barbecues that were based on Serena’s heirloom recipe.

Serena urged me to visit her bar, in which I hesitantly agreed. I know that she wanted me to be the liquor tester of her merchandise, but I smell some schemes on her mind. Something is telling me that there is a bigger reason why we’re visiting her bar, and I can’t help but feel nervous.

While walking down the dirty slums, Serena can be seen skipping and humming as we venture deeper into this gloomy place.

“Serena, why did you choose a bar in the slums for business?” I asked.

“I chose a bar so that you won’t need to go to an expensive club with Alphonse and Danielle again, you cheeky drunkard~” Serena jokingly answered.

“I’ll pass, I don’t drink that much anymore. And that’s not the point.” I said with a forced smile. “Why here in the slums?”

Serena stopped walking and turned to me with her innocent eyes. “Remember my dream? I have a goal of spreading happiness throughout the world. I want to give people smiles, humans and dragonoids alike. That is why I chose to establish a cheap bar in this gloomy place so that all the people here will drink, eat, and sing with joy, without worries and full of happiness.”

That put a smile on my face. Serena is still as innocent as ever, even though we already went through some sorts of hell. She does not change, and I prefer her to be this way. She’s completely the opposite of me, who has traded his soul to something-or-another just to quench his thirst for revenge.

“This will be a great opportunity for you, Senpai!” Serena pumped her fists with joy as she pushed her face towards mine. “Since I’m your dragonoid, you are my co-owner of my pub! I believe this will be the first time seeing your own business!”

“I’m not interested in running a liquor shop,” I said. “I only accompanied you because you said that somebody you know made a special weapon for  me as a replacement of my shield.”

“Oh, right!” Serena knocked her head. “You’ll be surprised once you see your new weapon!”

I just made a smile. Seeing Serena more excited than me about having my new weapon is actually blissful because we’re planning on challenging our fourth Pentagram Knight next week.

We made a couple of steps further until we finally stopped on a bar that has the name of Heaven’s Gate. What a way to name your bar. It makes me feel like I’m going to die the next day after getting drunk in this very place.

“We’re here~” Serena happily opened the door.

What’s waiting for us inside is a moderately luxury-type pub with high-quality wood as its walls and interior design, brown granite tiles on the floor, and a white painted ceiling. Even for a bar with normal standards, this Heaven’s Gate bar is a little too clean. It must be because her business is just starting out, and there are still no customers because it’s still broad daylight.

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