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It’s been months since I last saw Alphonse and Z, and I conclude that nothing has changed about them that much. All that transformed about them are their behavior, in which they seem that they don’t have any personality at all. All they have is this cold glare on their eyes. Not hearing swears and curses from that blonde guy’s mouth is really a relief for our ears, but I don’t prefer him this way. I prefer the old Alphonse, as this new one is tasked to kill us.

“Senor, the one responsible for controlling Alphonse and Z is no other than Sakuradrop. You need to find and kill her in order to release him from the mind-controlling effects.” Danielle said through our earpiece.

“Sakuradrop, huh…” I muttered. I looked at the grand castle of Elysia and saw it towering on the skies. It has about fifty floors and as wide as ten city blocks, so it really would stand out. I’m just two kilometers away from that castle, and to continue our siege, we need to fight Alphonse and his Elemental Dragon first.

“Sir Wingate, you go ahead!” Mark Anthony Octavius said as he approached my side with the help of his flying Gladiator Dragon. “If that Sakuradrop girl is the one responsible for altering the mind of Sir Alphonse, then you have to go find her. Sir Estoff Wraith and I will buy time and hold him.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked my allied dragon knights.

“You can count on us, Sir Wingate.” Estoff Wraith said with his calming manly voice. “Sir Mark Anthony Octavius is a general-class dragon knight, and I am a Pentagram Knight candidate. I’ve heard that Sir Alphonse Faradeiss is a Pentagram Knight candidate like me, so we will have the upper hand. Trust on us.”

“Here he comes!”

The Elemental Dragon immediately flapped its wings, unleashing colorful sprinkles with random elemental magic effects. To counter such attack, Mark’s Gladiator Dragon raised its halberd up in the air, and a ripple flowed outwards the atmosphere.

“Negate!” Mark Anthony Octavius said. At that moment, all magical attacks of the Elemental Dragon disappeared like a bubble.

Now that I have seen a glimpse of my allies’ power, I think they really can hold Alphonse off. My allies even have the negation magic that can repel any mystical attack in a blink of an eye. They’re not lying if they are on the same level as Pentagram Knights, so I’ll trust them to take care of my mind-controlled friend.

Suddenly, a set of fast-maneuvering tanks approached below us. When the hatch opened, Danielle revealed herself together with some of the finest foot soldiers as her bodyguard. There’s also the medic team, so I immediately landed with my dragon and delivered the fatally-injured dragonoid Emy that is suffering from third-degree burns.

“Take care of her, Danielle,” I said. “Take care of our troops too. I’ll be going on ahead and find the people we’re looking for.”

“Si Senor,” Danielle said. “We will be right behind you. Sir Jerick Fachias already garrisoned the castle and he’s storming his way through inside. I know he’s strong, but he might need your backup.”

I nodded and then turned away. Now facing at the Elysian castle, I poured my magical energy to my Nexus Booster Dragon for her to use as her nitrous and fuel. Blue jet flames were released from her boosters as we surged forward with extreme speed.

We left the battlefield as we rushed in midair with a speed breaking the sound barrier. It only took us eight seconds until we finally reached the Elysian Royal Castle. From above, I can see that Jerick Fachias and his Quasar Dragon has dug up a hole, probably using a Quasar Blast. He went straight to the dungeons to rescue his friend Kevin.

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