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We’re running out of time. We don’t have the luxury and have an idle chit-chat with the emperor I once vowed fealty into. There’s no second to waste.

“Haaaah!” Serena surged forward with her round shield in front. With her running speed, she tried to bash the emperor with the momentum she had built up.

“Slow.” The emperor made a sidestep, completely evading Serena’s charge. Then he made a swift slash with his mechanical sword, aiming at Serena’s back.

The sound of a metallic clashing noise echoed in this corridor. Serena managed to parry the emperor’s sword and they locked weapons while they talk to each other.

“Y-Your highness!” Serena cried. “You saw the feed on the Memory Flasher device! We gave you the feed on how we interrogated him! You saw all his memories! You know that Xen is innocent!”

“You may be right about that. But the fact remains that he is in cahoots with Michael Eldritch who tried to destroy the empire. Their ways may have been separated, but their end game and their goals are very much the same.” The emperor said in a composed manner. “We learned in the dossier that your knight and that dead dictator is planning to dominate the world with the Psychic Amplifier. There’s no way Cheng Du planted the blame on him because that dossier was made three years ago!”

“But still…!!!” Serena cried out loud. “I believe in Xen! He is not a traitor! He will not betray us all!!!”

“Or is he!?” The emperor laughed with fierceness. “You’re just telling that because you’re blinded by your love for him! You’re in complete denial!”

“N-No!!!” Serena cried as she slowly loses her will to fight. Her feet drifted backward, indicating that Emperor Sirius Elkyria is winning this battle of courage and willpower. The emperor started to make a step, two steps, three steps forward while making their swords bite each other.

I have to help Serena somehow! I may be in my worst condition, but I will do anything just to win this fight and survive! I will beat the emperor, no matter how weak I’ve become!

“Forge!” I shouted. On my right hand, a dull bread knife was all I can create with the magical energy I have left. I only have one chance to create a weapon, but this will suffice. I mustered all my strength to stand up. Even if my legs are shaking, even if my hands are trembling, I will still make this attack! “Hraaaaagh!!!”

When the emperor saw me charging with a knife in my hand, he immediately made an attack to counter me. “Haaaaaaaahhh!!!”

A quick shockwave echoed, giving me chills on every inch of my nerves. The invisible force pushed me backward, making my body roll to the ground. I tried standing up, but my body won’t let me. All I can do is sit on my knees.

This fear I’m feeling in the depths of my soul, this must be the spell exclusive only to the royal blood. It is the Voice of the Emperor. Once a commoner was hit with this kind of magic, he will succumb to fear and divine authority of the real king who has control over a human’s kingdom.  

“D-Damn…” I cried. My hands are shaking more than ever, and my legs refuse to accept my brain’s commands. I could no longer move to this state.

“Xen!” Serena turned around and tried to reach for me. However, the emperor caught her long black hair and grabbed him as a hostage. “Kyuh!”

“S-Serena!” I shouted.

Hope was lost in my eyes as I saw the emperor’s right hand. He’s no longer holding his high-tech sword, but the weapon he’s possessing is far more dangerous than any other thing in the world. His right hand is being engulfed with black flaming aura, indicating dark magic that could immediately end my lover’s heart in one touch.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now