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The terrorist leader looks displeased. He is glaring with disappointment on my dragonoid Serena, whom he thought that she will be taken to his side. He should have known that the bond between me and Serena is strong enough to repel any poisonous thoughts injected into her.

“Don’t you dare talk to Zac like that! Totally!” Suddenly, the crimson-haired dragonoid with black ribbons ragefully leaped towards Serena with her photon sword. In the nick of time, Serena parried the blade with her own forged short sword.

“What you’re fighting for is right, but you should know that what you’re doing is wrong!” Serena said as she made a follow up a slash with her other blade.

“Kuh!” The crimson-haired dragonoid was pushed back as she took a slash clean in the stomach. But even though she suffered a direct hit, she didn’t suffer a wound. It looks like Serena purposely created a set of dull blades on her hands so that she won’t hurt any other dragonoid.

“Aleria, Noira. Take care of their dragonoids.” Zac Schneider said as he hid half of his face with his hand. He opened a gap between his fingers, and I saw a red glowing light on his eyes. “I’ll take their dragon knights.”

I tightened my grip on my buster swords, while Alphonse pulled out his chains from his wrists. Meanwhile, Z is already engaging witchcraft battles with the brown-haired dragonoid named Noira. Z kept on unleashing elemental projectiles, while Noira used her bare arms to block all those ranged attacks. Serena and the enemy dragonoid Aleria also started their sword strikes, and I can clearly see that Serena is getting the upper hand even though she’s holding back.

“Fuck off, Zac fucking Schneider,” Alphonse yelled. “We both know that you won’t last a week. The Alterran Army has surrounded this place. It’s just a matter of time before you have your hands in handcuffs. You have no chance against a dragon knight, let alone there’s two of us.”

“I know. But if the dragonoid people see that I can put up a fight, then Arcadia will live on without me. My ideals shall be immortalized, as well as the New Empire of Dragonoids.” Zac held his chest, and his hidden eye glowed again with red as he muttered some kind of technological spell. “Heightened Clearance Authorized. Activate Futuretech Dynamos!”

Suddenly, six floating glass-like photon swords floated from his back. It looked like anti-gravity drones that came from alien movies. Those six photon swords immediately fired bluish lasers towards our position.

I jumped forward to intercept the attack. With the little time I had, I joined my two buster swords to form it back to a shield, and I used it to block the incoming lasers. While I shield the attack of the drones, Alphonse spread out his arms and controlled his chains to chase the drones. He caught all six of them, and smashed it to one another, converting it to shattered glasses.

Zac Schneider frowned. He knew that resistance is futile, but he continued to struggle with future technology spells while still sitting on his throne.

“Maximum Clearance Authorized! Activate Deus Ex Machina!”

A gigantic mechanical rib materialized and encased the terrorist leader. Suddenly, long machine arms spawned from the left and right of the giant steel rib cage, and a giant robotic skull with red glowing eyes grew above. Zac Schneider is now inside a machine that looks like the upper body of a titan’s mechanical skeleton. I can sense magical and technological energy on that horrific robot as if it was alive.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now