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It’s been fifteen minutes since my dragon knight dropped himself down to the foot of the castle. I no longer hear explosions or screams from soldiers, not even gunshots or clashing metals. The royal castle of Elysia has been quiet for a while now. I’m still hovering around the top of the castle, checking for any signs of activity.

I’m sad that we really had to siege our home country this way. I’ve been here in this very castle back when I was a human pop star, together with my friend and colleague Mayline, mostly as guests. We also used to perform in this castle when we were in high school, and the smiles of the dukes and duchesses of this country gave joy to our hearts. It's so sorrowful that it has come to be this way right now.

Suddenly, I sensed something big and invisible vessel approaching. My eyes and ears may be lying, but I can still trust my intuition that there is something hidden above the air. I have felt this same thing when we raided on Cheng Du’s party. I won’t let anyone escape.

“Sword of Camelot!” I raised my hand. With my Elform ready, I channeled energy at the northeast side to create a gigantic golden portal. The portal immediately became the entrance of the gigantic Excalibur, and it immediately fired to the unseen object that is right above the castle.

There was a huge explosion as the invisible cloak was dispelled because of the sudden attack. As I thought, there was an invisible airship floating above the castle. Now that my gigantic sword has pierced the airship’s main core engines, the airship immediately fell down and crashed towards the side of the castle.

I immediately sensed some activity at the topmost part of the castle, so I immediately surged and breached the windows for my entrance. Shattered glass showered upon the place as I sassily landed, tiptoeing with my feet on the white tiles inside the castle.

“Step,” I muttered to myself. Then I raised my head and looked at the person I wanted to see the most in this raid.

Ten meters in front of me is a woman wearing the empress’ crown of Elysia. Her reddish-brown hair, silky smooth white skin, and voluptuous body shape make her a beautiful woman that can make every men fall in love with her. Now that I have seen her personally for the second time, I can no longer doubt as to why Xenon-senpai fell in love with her in the past.

Marisse Trystgade-Eldritch is groveling on the ground, her head pointed at the very center of this floor. There was an altar that is dedicated to a peculiar thing: a small coffin. Above the small coffin is a picture of a cute infant, and beside the picture are white candles and flowers that are used to mourn the dead.

“You should have picked a better time and place to seize this castle.” Marisse Trystgade muttered. “Don’t you see that I’m still mourning with my baby’s death?”

“I’m sorry, but you have to be stopped. I feel bad for what happened to your child, but you need to pay for your sins.” I bowed.

“You’re the one to talk. You took Paul from me. You will be the one who will be paying for your sins, you filthy bitch!”

Marisse Trystgade stood up and turned to me. Her eyes glared at me with menace, yet there are endless tears flowing from it. Her small black irises are flaming but lifeless, and she looks like she’s going to slaughter anyone from her sight. But even though with such a threat and provocative gesture, I will not be fazed.

“Xenon is not yours, to begin with. You threw him like used garbage, and you’re the mastermind of his death. You have no right to say that!” I cried furiously.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now