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The gloomy room is getting chiller, so I decided to light a cigarette to warm up my lungs. I don’t know what’s happening with my sense of temperature. I’m a little bit sweaty but the hairs on my skin continue to stand up.

“Let go of me! Please! Let go of me!” A voice of a begging adult man can be heard behind me. “My son… my daughter… please let them go!”

I don’t think that voice is not the source of my chills though. I have done this many times since my wife Kirina died. I’m not a knight. I’m just a dragonoid soldier, a lapdog of the Empire of Elysia, which is assigned to do what his majesty’s orders. Kidnapping a man does not touch my conscience anymore. But why am I feeling this uncomfortable fear?

Behind me is the man who refuses to shut up. He’s the Prime Minister of Fleija, Hezekiah Martin. He’s a man with a straight posture and corporate formalities, but right now, he’s nothing but a hostage of mine. He is currently tied on a wooden seat, trying to break free from his hopeless despair.

I withdrew my wife’s heart from my jacket and stared at it with admiration. Kirina’s heart is still pure and beautiful even though it’s been years since her bodily death. Every pump her heart makes, it fills my chest with the warmth of her love. But right now, the heart feels odd for some inexplicable reason. It’s beating in a weaker but faster manner.

“Kirina, what are you trying to tell me?” I asked.

“Let go of me and my children, dammit!” The Prime Minister cried to interrupt me.

“Shush,” I whispered to the restrained leader. “You better shut up. I’m talking to my wife here.”

“You fucking lunatic!” The Prime Minister cried again. He must be pertaining to me talking to a beating heart like a mentally challenged person. “What the heck is wrong with you!?”

“If I let you see your son and daughter, will you shut up?” I asked.

“Yes! Yes please!” The Prime Minister begged.

Fulfilling his request, I walked on the north side of the room and removed the curtains. As soon as the curtains fall, the Prime Minister’s eyes widened as he saw his son and daughter tied up and gagged on a separate set of wooden chairs. The children kept on shouting with a muffled voice, which made the atmosphere of this grim room became darker.

“Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmph!” The son and daughter of the Prime Minister, who appears to be just twelve years and ten years of age respectively, tried to shout out loud with the cloths stuck on their mouths.

“Nooo! Why are you doing this to them!” The Prime Minister cried out louder. “Please release them! They have nothing to do with this!”

“You said you will shut up if you saw your children, and yet here you are, shouting like a fucking rooster.” I went in front of the tied up leader and pressed my face forward. “If I told you to shut up, then shut up!”


I made a powerful headbutt straight to the Prime Minister’s forehead, which made it bleed. I’m currently wearing a metal headband so that must be the reason why the Prime Minister’s head swelled up so fast.

Suddenly, the door to this grim room opened, revealing two persons who are supposed to meet me up here in this very place. The first person is a handsome man with blonde hair and pure white tuxedo, with a golden snowflake crown on his head. There is no doubt that this person is the Emperor of Elysia himself, Emperor Michael Eldritch.

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