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Even though I’m born with royal blood, everything is not easy for me. Being a duchess that inherits the family’s job as the Oracle of Elysia is filled with responsibilities that nobody expected me to succeed. I was born beautiful, smart, talented, and has a natural charisma but my family treats me like shit.

My mother, my father, and even my grandfather in the Trystgade house always scold me for simple things. I was born a klutz who could not carry out simple tasks even though most of the people thought that I’m a perfect being. Ever since I was a child, everything I do is wrong for the eyes of my parents.

I was forbidden to go with the common folk. I was forbidden to take part in fun school activities. I was forbidden to learn magic other than our heirloom Oracle activities. I was forbidden to hang out with my friends. I was forbidden to love. I was a beautiful bird inside a cage full of ornaments, and I was fed by nutritious food and clean water to drink. My parents gave everything I need, but they never considered what I want.

If I try to struggle, if I try to break simple rules, I will be punished severely. The strict standards of the Oracle Trystgade house must always be observed, or else a heavy hand from my very own parents would teach me a lesson.

I was so sick of it. I was so tired of it. I don’t want to live like this, like a decorated doll that cannot be moved. The destiny of my bloodline is to serve the royal kings of Elysia, and it has passed through my generations since time immemorial. I hated this fate, and inside my heart, I wished that I could break this chain that has been shackling my fixed future.

Being the next heir to the Oracle, I was segregated from the common folk. All my studies during my grade school up to high school are conducted in a separate room that is only dedicated to me and for other royal blood. I had private tutors teaching me the very same things taught to the common folk. I always wonder why I’m always separated from most people, but all I can do is to comply with my house’s wish.

Ever since grade school, I already had a crush on one person: Prince Michael Eldritch. He is a handsome blonde-haired man of pure elegance and grace, and he’s kind to everyone he meets. He is the future Emperor of Elysia and has a dream of saving the world. He was my first love, but sadly, at that time, my feelings for him were never reciprocated.

Michael Eldritch had a childhood friend whose name was Xenon Wingate. Just like Michael, he is also handsome and had the same heroic ideals. I managed to meet this man when I tried to confess my feelings to Michael, but as it turns out, I was rejected. I ended up giving Xenon my homemade chocolates. Michael rejected my feelings, so my effort of baking chocolates was almost put to waste until this man named Xenon arrived and ate all of it.

“This is delicious! I would like to have more of it next time!” Xenon said to me as she cheered my tearful young self up.

“R-Really!? Then I’ll bake chocolates for you every day!” I answered.

At that moment, I was flabbergasted. I completely fell in love with him the moment he appreciated my effort. Ever since I was born, everything I did was wrong to the eyes of the people. Xenon is the one who made me feel important in this world, so I easily got infatuated with him.

My love for Michael was immediately transferred to his childhood friend Xenon. No, I think I love Xenon the way he is. He’s so kind and always appreciates all my efforts and hard work. Xenon is one of those people belonging to the common folk, so being with him is a sin for my house. But I do not care. Being with Xenon is what I always prefer to do. He gave me the love I never felt with my parents, so I promised that I will never abandon him no matter what happens.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now