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My sweat has dried. The increasing humidity of the interrogation room no longer gives me heat. In fact, I felt cold, as if I’ve been stuck in an airconditioned room for half an hour. I’m slowly regaining my strength, both my body and mind, but it’s not enough for me to break out of this chair. I should wait for the proper moment to break free.

[Do you remember the Operation Arcadia Annihilation now?] The cybernetic voice of the interrogator entered my brain.

“Yes,” I muttered.

[Operation Arcadia Annihilation was comprised of four dragon knights, with the guidance of Captain Kevin Valesmith. Sir Alphonse Faradeiss and Lady Danielle Keine were with you during the operation. What was your main objective?]

I exhaled my deep breath as I answered. “We are tasked to take the leader of the terrorist group Arcadia; Zac Schneider, alive.”

Suddenly, the face of a handsome man was presented on the hologram screen. He has a clean brown hair in Harajuku style, and his deep blue eyes are filled with despair and arrogance. He’s a teenage man made of pure charisma, which makes him indubitably capable of waging war against the Empire of Alterra.

[Duke Zac Schneider is the one who erected the terrorist group Arcadia, and he is guilty of the crime of rebellion, treason, illegal drug cartels, possession of heavy illegal armaments, and is also the headmaster of assassinations on some dukes and duchesses. He’s well known in the dragonoid community as their Messiah who will free them from slavery.]

“Yeah,” I muttered. “He’s powerful. Way more powerful and influential than any person in this empire, only that damn Eldritch beating him. They had the same vibe. I thought that if I can kill this man, I could easily kill Eldritch. I was wrong.”

[What happened during the operation?]

“I fought him.”

[Him? Him only?]

“I fought him, together with my squad. I fought him and his terrifyingly powerful dragon. The Crimson Dragonfly. It was one heck of a battle. We were so dumb to assume that we can defeat that gigantic monster.”

[But something happened.] The interrogator commented.

“Serena…” I muttered.

[Tell me what happened, Xenon. What happened on that day?]

Suddenly, the hologram globe in front of me spun with stardust sparkles. It went rapidly and then I find myself blinded in a flash of light.




I opened the windows in my chilly hotel room. It’s a dark clear sky. There are only a handful of stars in the heavens, and everything else is black. The monsoon winds gave me the chills of the incoming winter. There are dried leaves all over the streets of this isolated city of Amnesia, and there’s no one else. Not even any human or dragonoid. It is certainly a peaceful night. Unfortunately, this serene place will turn to hell once the gunshots start screaming.

“Senpai… It is time.” Serena said. She is now wearing her battlesuit which comprises of white kimono with golden linings, frilly pleated red short skirt, and a long thigh-high battle boots. She didn’t forget to wear the red fingerless gloves that make her able to cast forging magic.

She presented my combat jacket: which is a dark blue fine leather with a furry white hoodie. This resembles my White Ghost Eskimo suit a lot, but this is a lot more durable with chain mails inside. I wore it immediately and looked at my dragonoid’s eyes. Serena’s irises are still full of innocence and beauty, and her natural red eyeshadows, pinkish cheeks and snow-white skin compliment the gorgeousness of her whole face.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now