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Now that the round glass table is flying towards me, I don’t have a choice but to fight back. With my powerful legs, I kicked the table away. But that does not solve the problem, because right now, my mind-controlled dragonoid Nathaniel, is running towards me, charging like a rugby player.

“Graaaaaah!” Nathaniel made a warcry as he readied a tackle.

“I’m sorry, Nath. I will have to do this.” I muttered.

I know that Nathaniel is my trusted dragonoid, but I have to fight back. I ripped my nightgown and revealed the sheathes on my legs which contained my battle weapon: a set of bladed fans. Dual-wielding it immediately made me shift to a battle stance, and I swung one towards my dragonoid.


A swift wind blast occurred which launched my dear Nathaniel unto the air. My macho dragonoid crashed on the table where the fried chickens and liquors are placed.

“Hey, isn’t that too excessive to do on your Nathaniel!?” Alphonse shouted. My fellow dragon knight Alphonse is still running from his dragonoid who is relentlessly firing elemental projectiles at him.

“Oh, I think he’ll be okay. His rock-hard body is powerful enough to withstand any of my attacks.” I covered my mouth with my fan as I spoke. “Why won’t you do the same to your precious Z, Senor Alphonse?”

“I wish I can, but she’s fucking squishy! And she’s just a child!” Alphonse said. When he ran out of tables to parkour, he used his chains to swing on the chandeliers like a man-spider. “Anyway, we have to stop whatever the fuck is controlling them!”

“The speakers, senor!” I said to Alphonse. “Everything went weird when the loudspeakers blasted that pulse-like sonic wave!”

I look at the stage where the speakers are. There are only three people there; Cheng Du, Serena, and the wounded Duke Corasell. The mind-controlled Serena is already on her way to finish off the injured duke, so I have to make a move!

“Stockpile Buff: 50%” I arched my right arm, and my muscles became much bigger. With such a boost in power, I swung my fan aiming at Serena. “Wind Blast!”

Serena’s instincts saw my attack. She immediately forged a tower shield to protect herself from harm, but my Wind Blast pushed her five meters back. Stopping her plan on killing the duke, I took the opportunity to dash towards them. I flapped my fans like my own wings and it made me dash with the speed of sound.

“Senor Duke Corasell, are you okay?” I asked as I checked on his deep shoulder wound.

“Do I look okay!?” the duke protested. “Every dragonoid in this place is going nuts! Even Serena is mind-controlled! If the news about this gets out, the bill will never be passed!”

“This is not the time to talk about your bill, senor! Your life is in danger!” I said as I carried the duke on my shoulder. Then I flapped my fans to dash away from the stage.

With my powerful gliding techniques, I went to the eastern side of the hall where the volume of the fight is minimal. Alphonse is already there, tying up his dragonoid Z with his chains. Z is still acting up like a rabid dog, so Alphonse opted to gag her mouth with a steel chain to chew on.

“Alphonse, can you treat Senor Corasell’s wounds!?” I asked as I lay down the wounded duke.

“Of course, I can,” Alphonse said. Then he pointed at the dragonoid maids and butlers charging towards us like a horde of zombies. “But we need to repel those rampaging dragonoids first!”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now