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At the throne of this golden brown castle is a man sitting with a familiar face. I’ve seen him when I was a child when Eldritch and I first came here together. Come to think of it, this throne room looks the very same thing where we first discovered Sakuradrop.

The man sitting on the throne is a living corpse. His pale white skin is crumbling like land on drought. He has long hair that is partly dark and partly gold. He is naked on his upper body and had a tattered Alterra’s dragon knight trousers covering his lower body. This man has a chest that looks like a crater, and there is a glowing orb of golden light at his heart’s place. His face is cold, merciless, and devoid of life, but his eyes are glaring at us with an intent to remove our very existence in this castle. He has the Eye of Deus.

“So you have come again, here, in this very same throne room. How long has it been? You were just a tiny little kid when I last saw you.” The man immediately gave us shivers with his deep voice.

“Are you the dragon knight controlling the Elder Ancientech Dragon?” I asked. While trying to put up a conversation, Serena magically forged a sword and shield for her weapon. I also cocked my pistol ready for battle.

“You are right.” The shirtless decaying man stood up and spread out his arms. Nine dark orbs started to materialize on his back. “My name is Ampherius Deo, the progenitor of the Eye of Deus. I am the one and true God of the future. I have woken from my deep slumber so that I can rule the world in the incoming ascension of Necross.”

“The world no longer needs counterfeit rulers who have a god-complex.” I mockingly said.

The man named Ampherius Deo started to walk down on his throne. As he steps to the red carpet, his crimson eyes glared at my soul, reading my mind and scanning my heart with his psychic powers.

“You are a cursed person. A Necross Messiah. You must be eliminated.” Ampherius Deo shifted his look towards Serena. “And you, Dragon Queen, is a pest that should be eradicated. The future holds nothing for both of you too.”

Ampherius Deo raised his hand and pointed his index finger towards us. At that moment, the nine black orbs rocketed to our position with a speed breaking the wind barrier!


With my futuretech glove, I created a tower shield that blocked the nine orbs that rushed to our position. Black smoke filled the air as soon as the orbs exploded on my shield.

Serena used the smoke to conceal her movements. Silently, she ran to the left side with her bow and arrow ready. With her arrow that is shaped like a lance coated with barbed wire, she unleashed her shot, aiming at the glowing orb of his chest.

However, the enemy made it in time to block it. With his right arm, Ampherius Deo redirected the trajectory by sacrificing his flesh. His right elbow exploded and immediately turned to dust as soon as the barbed arrow hit.

“Xen, this guy has no heart! He’s also protecting that orb on his chest! That must be the thing that’s fueling the Vesryn Pulse of the Elder Ancientech Dragon!” Serena said.

“He’s protecting it, so it must be his one and only weak point! Focus on attacking that orb! I’ll draw his attention!” I shouted out loud as I fired my pistol towards the enemy.

I managed to hit Ampherius Deo’s left thigh, right shoulder, and upper right part of his brain. This living zombie did not even flinch when the bullets penetrated his decaying skin. When I think that it’s not enough to slow his movements, I immediately used my brutal technique.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now