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Five minutes, and finally, the thick smoke from the explosion of the planets and a magical cathedral faded. Both the projectile and shielding magic was completely obliterated, and the throne room is now nothing but a huge crater at the center. At the ceiling is our ultimate enemy: Ampherius Deo, floating like a god descended from the heavens. He looked at us with his cold crimson eyes.

“Still alive, huh? You two are quite persistent.” He muttered.

I coughed three, four, five times. My body is heavy, but I still tried to raise myself up. Serena is also here beside me, and I can see that she is also struggling to move her body. That explosion from the planets is certainly giving us a dire situation. Only one planet got through our defenses, and it did this much damage. I can’t imagine if we take the full force of his magic head-on.

“Gah… Hah…” I muttered. I looked beside me and saw the exhausted face of the woman I love. “Serena, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Xen… Don’t worry about me.” Serena gave a weak smile.

I looked at my shield plate, which is now at 0%. Serena also got her shield plate depleted too, from a hundred to zero. That attack is considered a one-hit-death for us if only we did not have such a device protecting us. However, even with such armor, the attack did considerable damage. Both our battle suits are tattered, and there are bruises and cuts at random parts of our bodies.

If the enemy repeated that attack, we’d surely be dead. We don’t have enough magical energy to shield us from other planetary bombardments.

“This fight is worthless.” Ampherius Deo said as he slowly descended from the ceiling towards his throne. He sat back on his comfortable seat and rested his face on his fist. “Mere mortals can never destroy a god. It’s time for you to vanish completely.”

Suddenly, nine planets materialized around him once again. But for some reason, he did not indiscriminately launch it towards us. He stopped, and closed his eyes, as he mutters something he sees from the other side.

“My Elder Ancientech Dragon has finally made landfall. The human emperor and his five-headed dragon are no longer combat-effective. Your flying ships are now running for their survival. Thousands of lives are vanishing as we speak.”

Serena gritted and clenched her fists. She doesn't like what is happening to the Elysian people. A person who is lawful good as her would not take this as nothing. She’s grieving for justice, for the lives who have lost in this war.

“If only I can do something… If only I had the power… Those poor souls would be…” Serena cried to herself.

A flashing thought came to me, giving me a revelation to win this fight.

“We can do something. We have the power. The souls who have died would never be in vain.” I smiled at Serena.


“If we are fighting a god, then we have to become stronger than gods ourselves,” I said,

“Xen! You don’t mean…” Serena’s jaws hung while staring at my carefree eyes.

“Yes. We have to use it. Our Dracaryx.” I made a gentle head pat to my dragonoid.

“B-But that is…” Serena started to unleash tears from her eyes. Those water droplets from her eyelids look like diamonds that ran through her cheek. “Xen, if you use our Dracaryx… You will…”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now