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I’m finally sobered up after around ten minutes, and I found myself lying on the sandy ground on our campfire. I’m a little bit dizzy, but I’m aware of what I’m doing. I raised my body up and saw this ridiculous scene of my fellow dragon knights.

Alphonse is blowing out smoke from his mouth using his vape, and his dragonoid Z can be seen laying on his lap like a cat, trying to catch and play with the smoke. Z would purr like an adorable kitten and she has no idea why she can’t touch the freaking clouding smoke especially that she’s drunk.

The scene doesn’t change much on Danielle. She’s cradling her macho man dragonoid Nathaniel on her lap like a baby, even though that macho man is twice as big as her. Danielle is singing a lullaby as she gently sways her man-baby, and the man-baby himself is sucking his thumb.

I thought we had a Barbecue-and-Alcohol Party, but now… it’s a Dragonoid-Lap Sleeping Party.

I turned to Alphonse as I try to threaten him.

“You’re so irresponsible, Alphonse.” I made a comment. “Why did you let Z drink alcohol? She’s fifteen, remember?”

“Oh, you’re awake, dipshit,” Alphonse said. His face is a little red, but it seems that alcohol has little to no effect on him. “Those laws on minority only applies to humans. Z is a dragonoid, so she can drink as much as she wants. The same goes for your Serena since she’s still seventeen.”

Speaking of which, I just realized that Serena is laying on my lap like an exhausted puppy. Her face is red and she smells like tequila. I tried to rub her bangs but the slight touch of it made her wake up.

“O-Oh, Senpai…” Serena’s talking is sluggish, which makes it certain that she’s drunk too. She presented her delicate hand which is covered with her fingerless gloves. “My hand feels cold. Can you make it a little bit warmer?”

“My hand is cold too,” I answered.

“Mmmph!” Serena pouted like an angry pufferfish. “Senpai, you idiot! Idiot! Idiot!” Serena hammered my chest over and over.

This is the first time Serena actually tried to hurt me physically. This is also the first time I saw Serena drunk. It’s like she’s a completely different person. Maybe I should forbid her from drinking from now on.

“There you go again, you oblivious wanker,” Alphonse commented. “Your sturdiness as a shielder dragon knight is so dense that you always negate your woman’s advances. For the record, the reason why Serena’s so drunk is because of you.”

“What the heck did I do?” I asked. I am fully aware of what I have done during the last minutes that I’m drunk, but I don’t remember doing something that pissed Serena off.

“Figure it out yourself, you feeble-brained moron.” Alphonse coldly commented. Then he blew out smoke from his mouth again. Z tried to claw the smoke like a curious kitten, and it’s an adorable sight.

Anyway, I don’t have any idea what Alphonse is talking about. So I’ll just leave him be.

Having Serena in the open beach air while she’s still in bikini and drunk would get her sick. Serena said that she’s cold earlier, so I need to get her to bed. I grabbed her white hoodie near the campfire and made her wear it. I actually had to assist her because she’s too drunk and her locomotive muscles are not working properly. She has also lost her sense of balance, so she wouldn’t have the power to walk or even stand up by herself.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now