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My bar in this slums is getting criticized as we speak.

“Pweh! These bacon ranch fries are horrible!”

Alphonse immediately spits out the potato starch he made with his mouth right towards the garbage can. I understand how horrible that food is considering it’s the newest snack on the menu of this bar. Besides, Alphonse is known to be picky about his own food. I already knew that our newest menu would be rejected by him.

“Here master. Try their drink.” Z gave out a glass of dark bubble drink to his knight, which was immediately accepted.

Z poured down her own drink from the pitcher. She drank down the fizzy drink and softly slammed the glass to the wooden round table. She made a moan telling that she’s refreshed in taking this bar’s special club soda.

“Ah, This is good!” Z said. “You should remove the bacon ranch fries on your menu because it tastes horrible. But keep this club soda, I like it.”

I am flattered by Z’s praise, but this is not the time to think about my business. I have to ask them about the things they know about Xenon.

“Z… Do you happen to know where Xenon is?” I asked in a gentle tone.

“Blood Prison Island,” Alphonse answered on Z’s behalf. “That bastard willingly got himself captured just to end up in that filthy place.”

“T-That’s horrible! Xenon will...” I held my aching chest as I stopped speaking.

“Yes. Xenon will rot in there.” Alphonse nodded carefreely.

Blood Prison Island has the highest level of security in all of Elysia, and there are also rumors that it is the most terrible facility in the whole world. That place is mostly used to contain worthless and heinous dragonoids that have no hope to be freed again. But considering what has happened between Eldritch and Xenon, it must have come to me without a surprise. Xenon killed his wife after all.

“I know that your anxious, Serena.” Z said as she locked unto my eyes. “But I think Sir Xenon knows what he’s doing.”

“How can he possibly do what he’s supposed to do when he’s locked up in that facility!?” I panicked. “How can you say that it is still a part of his plan!?”

“Maybe you should put a little more trust in your knight,” Alphonse said. Then he gulped a glass full of soda. “You know, Xenon is smart. In fact, he’s a genius. But I’m brighter than him of course. I managed to fool everyone that we’re still mind-controlled by that bastard Eldritch and that flowery bitch Sakuradrop. We’ve been fooling them for almost a year now.”

I gave a dissatisfied look at Alphonse. I know he doesn’t go well with my senpai, but he looks so carefree about this whole thing. It’s like he’s not worrying about Xenon because there’s nothing to worry at all. Besides, I know Xenon. He’s not that smart to plan ahead of time… Or maybe he is.

“Trust in your knight, Serena,” Z said. “Sir Xenon has been waiting for this his whole life.”

Suddenly, Alphonse pulled out a small blueprint from his pocket. When he spread it out, it was revealed to be the very blueprint of the Blood Prison Island. Alphonse also revealed another set of blueprints regarding the Elysia’s Grand Castle and even Cheng Du’s hotel here in Goldcliffe City. All those blueprints have notes, markers, and arrow drawings in it. On the Elysia’s Grand Castle blueprint, there was a picture of the late Marisse Trystgade that has a marked X on it. The same goes for Cheng Du’s hotel, in which his picture is also there with the same mark. The only thing different is the Blood Prison Island blueprint, where the picture of Michael Eldritch is still clean from any marks.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now