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The annoying fans cheered as they saw the most beautiful dragonoid turn into an awesome, sexy boxer dragon. The Serenatic retards made a high-pitched fangirl scream, and the boys had their irises shaped like stars. Several cameras focused on Serena’s Nexus Brawler Dragon form and completely disregarded me, who is the dragon knight that is responsible for her cool transformation.

Now that I have revealed Serena’s new form, I have to wait for a limited edition of the action figure of her to come out. Bollocks. Next time I challenge a Pentagram Knight, I’ll switch between all the dragon forms she has yet to show. Or maybe not. If I show all her forms in one fight, the element of surprise will no longer be applicable. Her surprise transformations are my only edge against the Pentagram Knights.

“Thanks for designing this form, Senpai~” Serena telepathically smooched me with her kind voice.

“Yeah, yeah. Just focus on the battle.” I said uncaringly as I cocked the handle of my shield. My blaster shield immediately transformed into an oversized gauntlet that fits tightly on my right hand. Now I have a giant mechanical arm.

The Mystic Flame Dragon and its dragon knight Marlon Trystgade glared at us with smiles on their faces. They must be feeling the tension and the adrenaline in this heating battle, and they can’t help it but pump their own selves up.

“You may be superior in close range combat, but we get the upper hand on long-range, moja!” Marlon said as he opened his book to page thirty. Suddenly, a bluish ball of fire materialized on top of the book, and it launched to us relentlessly. “Fusion Flare!”

“Serena, go!” I cried.

On my signal, Serena leaped forward and flapped her wings. Because she’s on her fighter mode, her wings are smaller than normal, so she can only fly on short altitudes. Flying a few meters from the ground has its perks, since we only have to deal with a small amount of wind resistance, thus making us fly faster than a stealth bomber.

“Haaah!” With the speed of breaking the wind barrier, I used my giant right fist to punch through the enemy fireball.

The Fusion Flare ball splattered upon impact, and the sticky flames spread out. Thanks to the excessive momentum force of my dragon, the lava liquid splashed away and only managed to damage my shield plate with five percent. Now my shield plate is 71%, but we still have to deliver a hit to the enemy.

“Grooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!” The Mystic Flame Dragon roared as we close in the distance. Its whole body immediately bathed in raging crimson gold flames and charged towards us.

“What the-!!!” I muttered. I was surprised that the Mystic Flame Dragon, which is superior in long-range magical arts, is running straight with a short-ranged attack.

“You’re not the only one hiding a trump card, moja!” Marlon laughed. “Now finish that dragon, Fira!”

“Groooooaaaaahhhh!!!” The Mystic Flame Dragon doubled its acceleration and speed, ramming its whole flaming body towards us.


In the nick of time, my Nexus Brawler Dragon caught the Mystic Flame Dragon’s burning wings with her steel claws just before it hit her. The temperature is comparable to a nuclear explosion, but with the help of my Nexus Brawler Dragon’s rubbery hide and iron gauntlets, she can withstand it for more than ten seconds.

Now that the enemy dragon is being pinned by my dragon, it’s my time to attack! I took this grand opportunity to stand up on top of the head of my dragon and run towards the enemy knight!

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now