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The man with the same face as mine slowly approached me and leaned on the railings of the castle wall to talk to me casually. His aura is indistinguishable from any other person. There is an air of menace and darkness on his heart, and yet I am not afraid nor wary of his existence. I’m pretty sure any other person who gets the sight of this rainbow-eyed person will immediately feel intimidated.

“Necross Messiah,” I muttered. Suddenly, the lightbulb inside my head brightened as I remember the document I fetched in Vanilla City. Necross is the term I’ve heard and read before. Psychic Amplifier, Necross Ascension… Those are the things Doctor Cheng Du researched for his plan for world domination.

“Humans and dragonoids are naturally evil. You have seen more than enough events to conclude that the previous statement is true.” Necross Messiah said. “Eldritch, Cheng, Trystgade. They are all working together for their selfish ambition of owning the whole world. Sirius Elkyria, on the other hand, is only interested in his own power as the Emperor of Alterra. Since the peace treaty is not renewed, a bloody war which includes millions of deaths is about to come.”

I am surprised that this man knows everything, even the ultimate plans of those royal blood. Since this guy who’s copying my face is somehow related to a world domination device, this guy should be on the evil’s side.

But for some reason, I can feel that he’s not an enemy. My brain and my heart are telling me that this is the person I can trust. It is beyond reasoning and logic why I can feel it to a stranger who is copying my face.

“Xenon Wingate, this is your true destiny. Vesryn Pulse does not lie. The thing that you hear from the beating of your heart is what you really wanted to do. We have the same appearance, the same soul, and the same heart. You are like my perfect twin in a different mother.”

“What do you want?” I asked.

“That is not the question.” Necross Messiah laughed. “What does Xenon Wingate want?”

The answer is obvious. Revenge. That’s all I want ever since I woke up with my second life. I have dedicated the past year on growing strong and planning for my best course of action to destroy Cheng, Trystgade, and Eldritch. I will gladly spend everything I have just to see them all die.

“You already know that Eldritch has Psychic Amplifier technology. More than a year from now, his fate of taking the whole world to himself will happen. Alterra will fall, and a new world nation will be born anew, with Eldritch as the new ruler. It is written in the Akashic Records. It is an inevitable destiny, and even you will never be able to stop it.”

“So it is already a dead end, then,” I said.

“Not really.” Necross Messiah laughed. “The twist is that what happens next. Protecting the world was never your fate. Killing Eldritch, however, is a destiny that you want and will be fulfilled.”

“How the heck can I kill him if he already won the world?” I asked.

“Simple. If Eldritch has the Psychic Amplifier, then you shall have the Necross Ascension. If you have the power to dominate the world too, I’m pretty sure that not even Eldritch can stop you.” Necross Messiah lent out his hand. “Necross Ascension is the falling of the underworld to the planet, bringing complete darkness forevermore. Every living thing will die, and all the souls will be eaten by our Lord Necross.”

“Destroying the world… That sounds like the ultimate evil plan.” I laughed.

“I know that you think it is absurd.” Necross Messiah laughed back. “But I’m going to ask you again. What does Xenon Wingate truly want? Was it glory? Protection of the world? Safety of all the people? …Or revenge?”

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now