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Three hours before dawn, and we are now fighting against Eldritch’s most powerful asset: Sakuradrop. Using my Elform to sense the natural magic in the wind, I would say that this peculiar dragonoid is not yet going all out. She’s still on her human form, and it troubles me why Eldritch didn’t use Vesryn Pulse on her so that she could fight us with full strength.

There was an illogical fear coming from our senses. Alphonse, Z the Elemental Dragon, and Danielle can feel it too. If we will just let our instincts decide, we should be running away from that lone dragonoid girl by now.

“Before we start, let me confess to you about the things I have done in the past.” Sakuradrop held her chin high, looking down on me. She raised her right hand and pointed at my left eye. “That Eye of Deus, you acquired it using your Nexus Link, right?”

I did not answer. I am surprised that she knew how I am able to obtain such power. Realizing that I have the intention to remain silent, Sakuradrop continued her explanation.

“I am the source of the Eye of Deus. I shared it with Michael Eldritch so that he can fulfill his dream. I shared it also with Xenon Wingate for the same reason. During your raid against Cheng Du, Xenon Wingate willfully went to me and made a contract.”

“Y-You!” I made a step forward as I gritted my teeth. “What did you do to Xen!? Why did you give him that eye!?”

“It’s on a whim, I guess.” Sakuradrop smiled menacingly. “Don’t act like you’ve known Xenon Wingate his whole life. If ever, I know him better than you. His thirst for revenge can never be quenched. He is willing to sell his soul to Necross just to do it. Since he’s determined to kill the people on his list, maybe it would be fun to give him the power of the gods. Eye of Deus, Curse of Necross, and Elform. He is a threat not only to humanity but to everything that exists. He will be the perfect being.”

“Release the Eye of Deus on him at once!” I cried out loud.

“Unfortunately, I can’t. If I only knew that you can acquire the eye from Xenon with the power of Nexus Link, I should’ve not given that power to him. Now I’m facing the consequences, and if Eldritch learns about it, I will certainly be punished.”

“Blah blah blah!” Alphonse roared out loud. “Enough talk! Let’s fight already! Eldritch is escaping, and we don’t have time for your backstory shit!”

The Elemental Dragon on Rainbow Form opened its wings and revealed colorful light crystal scales. When it flapped its wings, the scales unleashed millions of glitters that contain unique elemental properties and combinations thereof each. The glitters have the power to corrode and dissolve anything it touches, and all of it was directed to the lone enemy dragonoid in a pink lotus dress.

Sakuradrop spread out her arms, and a cherry blossom-shaped astral barrier was formed to shield her from that elemental sprinkles. Not even an atom of that attack passed through her magical defense.

“Air Shuffle!” Danielle gracefully waltzed and flapped her bladed fans towards the enemy barrier. A set of wind tornado drill surged towards the astral sakura blossom shield, and it was repelled immediately.

“Futile!” Sakuradrop laughed.

Of course, it was futile, as they are just diversions and distractions for our battle strategy! While Sakuradrop is occupied on blocking the attacks, I grab unto Alphonse and used one of my magic.

Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of XenonWhere stories live. Discover now