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Activating my Elform again grabbed the Orochi Dragon's attention, especially now that I'm back on the battlefield. I'm no longer able to maintain my power up at full strength so I doubt my attacks would do any good towards the legendary monster. But this time, it's different. I have the Pentagram Knights and other dragon knights from Alterra to back me up. Alphonse, Z, and Danielle may be tired but our firepower has greatly increased for the allies we have.

"Serena Maizono. I thought I killed you a few moments ago, but here you are, still alive and kicking. It must be the dark undead curse of your pesky knight that kept you alive, but that won't save you for a second time." The Orochi Dragon mocked me with her telepathy.

Her taunting didn't affect my mental state at all. I just kept on focusing on repeating our battle plan inside my mind. Danielle and I are still hitchhiking a ride from Alphonse's Elemental Dragon, so it's a good thing that we can still discuss our tactics up close.

Alphonse revealed his chains, fully coated with glowing golden light. On normal fights, he would only coat it with combined magical elements. As of the moment, it is only filled with a natural force I gave with my Elform powers.

"Are you sure you're going to have the remainder of the plan kept only to yourself?" Alphonse asked me.

"Si Senor," Danielle said on my behalf. "Sakuradrop has the psychic ability to read our minds, so the moment you knew Serena's idea, it will no longer work. Let's just leave this battle to the cute mademoiselle~"

"Fine." Alphonse groaned. "I just hope this sealing technique works, because this is the first time I'll do it."

"We'll be counting on you, Sir Alphonse." I smiled at my friend's knight. Then I switched my attention to the Orochi Dragon. I touched my earpiece and talked to all the five Pentagram Knights via radio. "Sir Pentagram Knights, I humbly request for your power in this fight!"

"We're all with you." Jerick Fachias answered. "Give us the sign and we will fire at will."

Five Pentagram Dragon Knights, escorted by eight other dragons, and our Elemental Dragon, we surged closer to the dragon with eight heads. The Orochi Dragon fired cherry blossom-colored blasters from each of its mouths, which was easily evaded by my allies. We managed to close in the distance until forty meters.

"Now!" I shouted.

"Mystic Flare Annihilation!" The Mystic Flame Dragon blew out an avalanche of flames towards the eight-headed serpent. Just like what happened before, the flames did not touch a scale of the enemy. It just went around the psychic barrier which made a ring of fire around the immortal monster.

"THAT WON'T WORK AGAIN!!!" The Orochi Dragon telepathically said as one of its heads surged towards the Mystic Flame Dragon and its dragon knight Marlon Trystgade. The serpent head's charge is so fast that it did not leave any opportunity for its target to evade or block.

But in the nick of time, two Pentagram Knights collaborated their assault.

"Negate!" Christian Reines and his Dark Samurai Dragon dispelled the invisible psychic shield.

"Cobalt Missiles Launch!" Gerald Lucielo and his Airstrike Dragon unleashed eight missiles that surged towards the single serpent head.

However, just before the missiles could reach the charging head, the Orochi Dragon withdrew it and covered itself with its angel-like wings. All eight missiles blasted the eight-headed serpents left-wing, but the right-wing was injured to the bone too.

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